Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique -  Volume 94 (1971)  Fascicule 3 

Le prolongement de la zone métamorphique de Bastogne au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Paul Antun
Université Lovanium, Laboratoire de Géologie, B.P. 117, Kinshasa XI, République démocratique du Congo.


In the Belgian Central Ardennes, belts of synkinematic metamorphism of a low pressure type follow the southern flanks of the major anticlinorial upheavals. It is shown that the principal belt, the Bastogne metamorphic zone, extends towards the NE into Luxemburg where it dies out together with the supporting anticlinorial structure. The metamorphism cuts across the stratigraphic sequence and reaches higher levels than hitherto supposed. Its last effects are seen in dark sericitic roofing slates of Upper Siegenian age. They consist of small tabular ilmenite and calcite porphyroblasts, and of pyrrhotite grains with pentlandite exsolutions produced at the expense of sedimentary pyrite.

Om dit artikel te citeren:

Paul Antun, «Le prolongement de la zone métamorphique de Bastogne au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg», Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique [En ligne], Volume 94 (1971), Fascicule 3, 153 - 163 URL :