
Jonathan C. Claoué-Long, P.J. Jones & John Roberts
The age of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary
Volume 115 (1992)Fascicule 2 - Devonian-Carboniferous boundary
T. Finlow-Bates & E.F. Stumpfl
The copper and lead-zinc-silver orebodies of Mt Isa mine, Queensland: products of one hydrothermal system
Volume 102 (1979)Fascicule 2 (Liber memorialis Paul Bartholomé)
N. J. Rowlands & O. N. Warin
Stratiform copper in cyclic sediments of the Late Proterozoic Burra Group, Willouran Ranges, South Australia
Volume 102 (1979)Fascicule 2 (Liber memorialis Paul Bartholomé)
Claude Monty
Scientific reports of the Belgian expedition on the Australian Great Barrier Reefs, 1967. Sedimentology: 2. Monospecific stromatolites from the Great Barrier Reef tract and their paleontological significance
Volume 101 (1978)Volume complet
Léonard Marchand
Rapport scientifique de l'expédition belge à la Grande Barrière d'Australie en 1967. Sédimentologie I : noircissement par pyritisation des tests de grands foraminifères benthiques actuels
Volume 98 (1975)Fascicule 2
Jan Baccaert
Scientific report of the Belgian expedition to the Australian Great Barrier Reef, 1967. Foraminifera: I. Soritidae of the Lizard Island reef complex, a preliminary report
Volume 99 (1976)Fascicule 2
Phillip E. Playford
Devonian reef complexes of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
Volume 95 (1972)Fascicule 2
Phillip E. Playford
Algal stromatolites in the Devonian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
Volume 95 (1972)Fascicule 2

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