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David J. Batten, Maurice Streel, Michiel Dusar & Martin J.M. Bless

Late Cretaceous palynomorphs from the boreholes Thermae 2002 (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands) and ‘s-Gravenvoeren (Belgium)

(Volume 110 (1987) — Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands)))
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To cite this article

David J. Batten, Maurice Streel, Michiel Dusar & Martin J.M. Bless, «Late Cretaceous palynomorphs from the boreholes Thermae 2002 (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands) and ‘s-Gravenvoeren (Belgium)», Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique [En ligne], Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands)), Volume 110 (1987), 47-51 URL :

About: David J. Batten

Geology and Mineralogy, University of Aberdeen, Marischal College, Aberdeen AB9 1AS, Scotland.

About: Maurice Streel

Paléontologie, Université de Liège, 7, place du Vingt-Août, B-4000 Liège, Belgium.

About: Michiel Dusar

Belgische Geologische Dienst, Jennerstraat, 13 B-1040 Brussel, Belgium.

About: Martin J.M. Bless

Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, Bosquetplein 6-7, NL-6211 KJ Maastricht, the Netherlands.