BASE BASE -  Volume 4 (2000)  Numéro 4 

Carbon stocks estimates for French forests

Gérôme Pignard
Cellule Évaluation de la Ressource. Inventaire forestier national. Place des Arcades Maurin. F–34971 Lattes (France). E-mail :
Jean-Luc Dupouey
Unité d’Écophysiologie forestière. Institut national de la Recherche agronomique. B.P. 35. F–54280 Champenoux (France).
Dominique Arrouays
Unité de Science du Sol. Institut national de la Recherche agronomique. Avenue de la Pomme de Pin. F–45166 Olivet Cedex (France).
Denis Loustau
Institut national de la Recherche agronomique. B.P. 45. F–33611 Cestas (France).


This paper gives a short description of the data and methods used for inventorying the carbon stocks in the biomass and soil pools in metropolitan French forests. The data concerning the biomass pools are measured by the French National Forest Inventory (NFI) while data necessary to estimate the soil carbon pools are obtained from the 16 16 km soil inventory of the International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests in the UN/ECE. Some of the problems raised by the implementation of the Kyoto protocol articles 3.3 and 3.4 in France are discussed and a preliminary estimate of the changes in relevant carbon storage is given.

Keywords : carbon stock, forests, France, Kyoto Protocol

Pour citer cet article

Gérôme Pignard, Jean-Luc Dupouey, Dominique Arrouays & Denis Loustau, «Carbon stocks estimates for French forests», BASE [En ligne], Volume 4 (2000), Numéro 4, 285-289 URL :