BASE BASE -  Volume 4 (2000)  Numéro 4 

COST E21 WorshopContribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects28–30 September, 2000 Joensuu (Finland)Introduction: Towards an integrated scientific approach for carbon accounting in forestry

Eric Laitat
Unité de Biologie végétale. Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux. Avenue de la Faculté, 2A. B–5030 Gembloux (Belgique). E-mail :
Timo Karjalainen
European Forest Institute. Torikatu, 34. FIN–80100 Joensuu (Finland).
Denis Loustau
Institut national de la Recherche agronomique. B.P. 45. F–33611 Cestas (France).
Marcus Lindner
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. P.O. Box 601203. D–14412 Potsdam (Germany).


In the COST E21-Action “Contribution of Forests and Forestry to Mitigate Greenhouse Effects”, emphasis is put on the quantification of carbon storage in the forest ecosystems and on the understanding of linkages between human activities and climate change, particularly the role of forests and forestry. COST E21 integrates natural, socio-economic as well as methodological aspects relevant for reporting under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, as well as decision-making at the European level in the context of carbon mitigation in forest ecosystems. This Action is a pioneering attempt to co-ordinate research; to exchange experience and knowledge towards standardised greenhouse gas inventory accounting for forests over Europe. It will match, within four years (1999–2003), both scientific and political agendas. This paper gives a background presentation of the COST E21-Action, its work plan and its clearing house. It finally gives the outline of country specific information to the COST E21 as presented in this issue in a standard format.

Keywords : carbon, clearing house, COSTE21, Europe, forest inventory, forest management, forestry, greenhouse gas inventory, land use, land-use change, region, work plan

Pour citer cet article

Eric Laitat, Timo Karjalainen, Denis Loustau & Marcus Lindner, «COST E21 WorshopContribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects28–30 September, 2000 Joensuu (Finland)Introduction: Towards an integrated scientific approach for carbon accounting in forestry», BASE [En ligne], Volume 4 (2000), Numéro 4, 241-251 URL :