Scope of the Journal :

The BULLETIN D'ANALYSE PHENOMENOLOGIQUE (BAP, Bull. anal. phén.) is a wholly open-access and double-blind peer-reviewed electronic journal of philosophical phenomenology, issued by the Centre de recherches phénoménologiques (Creph) at the University of Liège (Belgium). Issues are published continuously (non-periodically) and collected in annual volumes. The purpose of the review is to promote phenomenological research by publishing original papers in any field related to philosophical phenomenology.

BAP includes two separate series. The 'Recensions' series is devoted to reviewing recent books in the field of phenomenological philosophy; the 'Actes' series is devoted to the publication of conference and research seminar proceedings.

List of reviewed books

Permanent call-for-papers

Download Volumes 1 to 15 (2005-2019)

Status :

The full texts of all issues from Volume I (2005) are available in pdf. Most of them are also available in xml.

How to submit a paper :

BAP publishes articles in French, English, and German.

All papers should be sent to the editors [] in electronic form as Word (*.doc, *.docx), Rich Text Format (*.rtf), or OpenOffice Writer (*.odt). Only electronic submissions are acceptable.

Articles should include:

  • complete title of the article
  • full name and academic affiliation
  • address of the working place, electronic address
  • an abstract of no more than 200 words

All submissions are subject to double blind peer review prior to publication. Acceptance or refusal will be notified to the author after 1-3 months, based on the recommendation of the advisory board.

Editors-in-Chief :

G. Cormann, B. Leclercq

Editorial Board :

A. Dewalque, J. Englebert, Ch. Gauvry, M. Hagelstein, D. Seron

Advisory Board :

Federico Boccaccini (Universidade de Brasília)
Roland Breeur (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Florence Caeymaex (univ. de Liège)
Grégory Cormann (univ. de Liège)
Michel Dupuis (Univ. catholique de Louvain)
Charlotte Gauvry (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)
Raphaël Gély (univ. St-Louis à Bruxelles)
Daniel Giovannangeli (univ. de Liège)
Maria Gyemant (Archives Husserl de Paris)
Maud Hagelstein (FNRS, univ. de Liège)
Grégori Jean (univ. de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Sébastien Laoureux (univ. de Namur)
Bruno Leclercq (univ. de Liège)
Patricia Limido (univ. de Rennes 2)
Antonino Mazzú (Univ. libre de Bruxelles)
Jérôme Melançon (University of Regina, Canada)
Nicolas Monseu (univ. de Namur)
Laurent Perreau (univ. de Franche-Comté)
Delia Popa (Villanova University, USA)
Dominique Pradelle (univ. de Paris 4 Sorbonne)
Peter Reynaert (Universiteit Antwerpen)
Sébastien Richard (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Rudy Steinmetz (univ. de Liège)


Book review editor :

Remy Rizzo

Contact us :

Centre de recherches phénoménologiques - BAP
Université de Liège
Département de Philosophie
7, Place du Vingt-Août
B-4000 Liège


Editorial Office:

G. Cormann
B. Leclercq

Tel. +32 (0)4 366 55 92 or 54 17
Fax +32 (0)4 366 55 59

Indexing: Google Scholar, Index Discovery Primo Central (Ex Libris ProQuest), International Philosophical Bibliography (IPB). Knowledge bases: A-to-Z (EBSCO), SFX KB (Ex Libris ProQuest), Alma Community Zone (Ex Libris ProQuest), 360Link (ProQuest).

Licence Creative Commons
BAP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.

Call for papers

Permanent call-for-papers

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