Instructions for authors

The Journal of Strategic Trade Control welcomes manuscripts in different categories: articles (theoretical analysis, case studies, or discussion of emerging issues); viewpoints (practitioners’ perspectives, policy proposals or critiques, commentary, innovative opinion pieces); reports (research projects or accounts of new development); book reviews (see below).

Journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis. The manuscript will be subject to the peer-review process (see below), at the end of which the author will be notified of its acceptance or rejection and will be informed of the Issue where the manuscripts will appear.


Review Process

The Journal of Strategic Trade Control operates a double-blind peer-review system. Submissions will be evaluated by at least two reviewers with expertise in the subject matter of the manuscript, after having been screened by the Editor. The editors will make every effort to notify authors of the decision within twelve weeks of receipt of their manuscripts. If recommended for publishing, authors are expected to integrate reviewers’ comments and send back a final draft.

Journal reserves the right to reject any submission without elucidation. Manuscripts that are accepted on the condition of revision may be subject to a second review after revisions are received. Note that book reviews and viewpoints undergo a less rigorous peer-review process than articles.

If an author has signed a non-disclosure agreement that remains in force and is relevant to the contents of a manuscript, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain approval for publication before submitting the manuscript for consideration.

If a current or former employer requires a pre-publication review, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain authorization before submitting the manuscript for consideration.