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p. 249-257
Description of the Operational Graphs (=Op.G.) which is a graphical synoptical methodology of exhibiting the operational structures of every convolution of any Systems with their Entering Flows in order to elaborate the Functional Result's Flows.
Consequently we use these (Op.G.) to discover the deep intrinsic Architectures of the Recursivity's and Incursivity's Algorithms. From this way of proceeding it will become obvious for exploring the specific advantages of the Incursivity's Procedures about the improvement of the Stability of the Behaviour of the Critical Systems.
By means of this communication we hope to convince about the power, the accuracy and the ease of the (Op.G.)-methodology and besides to show the self adjusting power of the incursivity's processes.
Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Incursivity Operational Display », CASYS, 1 | 1998, 249-257.
Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Incursivity Operational Display », CASYS [Online], 1 | 1998, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 18 January 2025. URL :
I.S.I.L Teacher, Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège : Rennequin Sualem - Quai Gloesener 6 - 4020 Liège