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Quadri dimensional Interpretation of Syllogistic Inferential Processes in Polyvalent Logic, with a view to Structuring Concepts and Assertions for Realizing the Universal Knowledge Basis

p. 328-341


Modelling syllogistic - inferential processes in polyvalent logic by diachronic syllogistic structures, we realise their QUADRI DIMENSIONAL interpretation, in the paper, by relational - objectual - propertational chains convergent in diachronic spaces. Aristotle considered the definition the motor nerve of syllogistic deduction, the medium term being a definition. Leibnitz conceived the definition as the beginning and end of any demonstration, a demonstration being nothing but a chain of definition. The concept of structure, implying a topological relational approach designates the necessary relations between the elements of a system, invariant and independent of the elements, therefore formalizable the structure constituting an abstract model capable of making the rules, governing the transformations, rationally intelligible. Structuring the concepts and the assertions of scientific theories according to the rules of syllogistic definability and deductibility systems are obtained, which underlie the realization of the Universal Knowledge Basis.


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Bibliographical reference

Mirita I. Ion, « Quadri dimensional Interpretation of Syllogistic Inferential Processes in Polyvalent Logic, with a view to Structuring Concepts and Assertions for Realizing the Universal Knowledge Basis », CASYS, 1 | 1998, 328-341.

Electronic reference

Mirita I. Ion, « Quadri dimensional Interpretation of Syllogistic Inferential Processes in Polyvalent Logic, with a view to Structuring Concepts and Assertions for Realizing the Universal Knowledge Basis », CASYS [Online], 1 | 1998, Online since 05 July 2024, connection on 18 January 2025. URL :


Mirita I. Ion

Ph. D., University of Petrosani, University str. 20, 2675 Petroşani, Romania


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