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Layering Processes in Metaphorization

p. 157-173


This paper deals with the ongoing research on conceptual metaphor theory (CMT), introducing the notion of metaform, in order to link CMT with other dimensions of cultural symbolism, not just language. Specifically, it is argued that conceptual metaphors are types of forms that are created by various associative processes that can be called layering processes. Each layer onstitutes a type of abstraction that itself becomes a source for further abstract thinking nad modes of representation.


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Bibliographical reference

Marcel Danesi, « Layering Processes in Metaphorization », CASYS, 8 | 2001, 157-173.

Electronic reference

Marcel Danesi, « Layering Processes in Metaphorization », CASYS [Online], 8 | 2001, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 27 December 2024. URL :


Marcel Danesi

University of Toronto


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