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Evaluation of Bounds on Service Cycle Timesin Acyclic Fork-Join Queueing Networks

p. 94-109


We present a new approach to get bounds on the service cycle time in acyclic forkjoin queueing networks. The approach is based on (max,+)-algebra representation of network dynamics and involves analysis of limiting behaviour of a product of random matrices. As a result, a new upper bound on the cycle time is established which takes into consideration the network topology.


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Bibliographical reference

Nikolai K. Krivulin, « Evaluation of Bounds on Service Cycle Timesin Acyclic Fork-Join Queueing Networks », CASYS, 9 | 2001, 94-109.

Electronic reference

Nikolai K. Krivulin, « Evaluation of Bounds on Service Cycle Timesin Acyclic Fork-Join Queueing Networks », CASYS [Online], 9 | 2001, Online since 17 July 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Nikolai K. Krivulin

School of Management

St.Petersburg State University

16 Dekabristov Lane, St.Petersburg, 198904 Russia


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