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p. 237-250
Recent discovery of ADDL protein (Amyloid β-Derived Diffusible Ligand) allows the trigger mechanism causing Alzheimer's Disease (AD) to be described by principles of complex systems theory. This entails a teleological cosmology with inherent self-organized / anticipatory parameters introducing a life principle (élan vital) providing the action driving self-organization in autopoietic living systems. Interaction between this Noetic Field (élan vital) and brain is defined in terms of a Hamiltonian-Lagrange operator called the Noetic Effect. If mind/body interactions mediating this Noetic Effect drive the system away from equilibrium catastrophes causing protein misfolds may trigger the onset of AD. The discovery of ADDL also promises an AD vaccine.
Richard L. Amoroso and Paul J. Amoroso, « Elucidating the Trigger of Alzheimer's Disease : A Complex Anticipatory Systems Approach », CASYS, 18 | 2006, 237-250.
Richard L. Amoroso and Paul J. Amoroso, « Elucidating the Trigger of Alzheimer's Disease : A Complex Anticipatory Systems Approach », CASYS [Online], 18 | 2006, Online since 31 July 2024, connection on 27 December 2024. URL :
Noetic Advanced Studies Institute, 120 Village Sq. MS 49, Orinda, CA 94563 USA
Noetic Advanced Studies Institute, 120 Village Sq. MS 49, Orinda, CA 94563 USA