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Cellular Automata with Anticipation

Some new Research Problems

p. 230-242


Recently some investigations on model of cellular automata (game 'Life') with anticipation ('LifeA') had been developed with accounting anticipatory properties, which indicate some interesting types of behavior of such cellular automata. One of new aspect is appearance of multiple solutions of cellular automata. The considering of such solutions follows to attempts of remembering and refreshing some concepts considered by D. M. Dubois, and collecting a list of some existing issues for further detailed considerations and implementation of such concepts, especially of hyperincursion.


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Bibliographical reference

Alexander Makarenko, « Cellular Automata with Anticipation », CASYS, 20 | 2008, 230-242.

Electronic reference

Alexander Makarenko, « Cellular Automata with Anticipation », CASYS [Online], 20 | 2008, Online since 03 September 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Alexander Makarenko

Institute for Applied System Analysis at National Technical University of Ukraine (KPI), 37 Pobedy Awenue, 03056, Kyiv- 56, Ukraine

By this author


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