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Revisiting Cybernetics as "the Science of Communication and Control in the Animal and the Machine" (after N Wiener 's)
p. 86-99
Both theoretical and recent experimental results show that evolutionary systems are necessarily endowed with anticipatory and holistic properties. As a consequence, the act of dialoguing analyzed through entropy exchanges and interference of noise is doomed to be somewhat delusive. The loophole out of microanatomy complementarity as the actual incommunicable unsplittable, holistic self can be an energy-free, i.e. purely non commutative geometric, approach to its hierarchical dynamics or in a co-evolutionary process involving the dialoguing partners.
Salvatore Santoli, « Dialoguing -Delusion or Physical Reality ? », CASYS, 22 | 2008, 86-99.
Salvatore Santoli, « Dialoguing -Delusion or Physical Reality ? », CASYS [Online], 22 | 2008, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 27 December 2024. URL :
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