United States

Carsten Brauckmann, Brigitte Brauckmann & Elke Gröning
The stratigraphical position of the oldest known Pterygota (insecta. Carboniferous, Namurian)
Volume 117 (1994)Fascicule 1 - Stratigraphie du Paléozoïque : Hommage à Maurice Streel
Michael R. House
Earliest Carboniferous goniatite recovery after the Hangenberg Event
Volume 115 (1992)Fascicule 2 - Devonian-Carboniferous boundary
Denis Jongmans
Influence de l'anisotropie des roches sur la propagation des ondes générées lors de tremblements de terre: le cas de la faille San Andreas dans la région de Parkfield
Volume 119 (1996)Fascicule 1
Paul Sartenaer
Two new North American Givetian Rhynchonellid (Brachiopod) zones
Volume 117 (1994)Fascicule 1 - Stratigraphie du Paléozoïque : Hommage à Maurice Streel
John M. Dennison, John D. Beuthin & Kenneth O. Hasson
Latest Devonian-Earliest Carboniferous marine transgressions: Central and Southern Appalachians, USA
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Charles A. Sandberg, Raymond C. Gutschick, J.G. Johnson, Forrest G. Poole & William J. Sando
Middle Devonian to Late Mississippian event stratigraphy of Overthrust Belt region, Western United States
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Stephen E. Scheckler
Geology, floristics and paleoecology of Late Devonian coal swamps from Appalachian Laurentia (U.S.A.)
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Stephen E. Scheckler
Old Red Continent facies in the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous of Appalachian North America
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Ronald R. Dilamarter
Oil wells in a Kentucky karst region
Volume 108 (1985)Volume complet

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