34/3-4 = 94
- Martin J.M. Bless & Jos Bouckaert
- Suggestions for a deep seismic investigation North of the Variscan mobile belt in the SE Netherlands
- Volume 111 (1988)Fascicule 2 (Deep seismics and drillings)
- P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder & Martin J.M. Bless
- Biostratigraphy and ecostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous deposits in the Kunrade area (South-Limburg, SE Netherlands)
- Volume 112 (1989)Fascicule 1
- Alain Demoulin
- Les transgressions oligocènes sur le massif Ardenne-Eifel
- Volume 112 (1989)Fascicule 1
- Michèle François, Thierry Camelbeeck & A. Chiapparo
- L'étude macroséismique des séismes de Dour du 22 mars 1987 et de Gulpen du 17 octobre 1988
- Volume 112 (1989)Fascicule 2 (Tectonique actuelle et récente en Belgique)
- Eddy Poty
- Tectonique de blocs dans le prolongement oriental du Massif du Brabant
- Volume 114 (1991)Fascicule 1 (Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant Massif)
- Etienne Juvigné & François Renard
- Les terrasses de la Meuse de Liège à Maastricht
- Volume 115 (1992)Fascicule 1
- P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder
- The Vijlen Chalk Member (Maastrichtian, late Cretaceous) in the Meuse-Rhine Euregion
- Volume 119 (1996)Fascicule 2
- P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder
- Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Maastrichtian) sedimentation rates in the Maastricht (NL), Liège/Campine (B) and Aachen (D) area
- Volume 117 (1994)Fascicule 2 - Stratigraphie du Mésozoïque et du Cénozoïque : Hommage à Maurice Streel
- Martin J.M. Bless, Jos Bouckaert, Horst-Robert Langguth & Maurice Streel
- Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkemburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands)
- Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
- Martin J.M. Bless
- The Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg a/d Geul South-Limburg, the Netherlands : general information
- Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
- Sven Krings, Martin J.M. Bless, Raphaël Conil, P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder & Jan P.M.Th. Meessen
- Stratigraphic interpretation of the Thermae boreholes (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands)
- Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
- Manfred Jäger
- Campanian-Maastrichtian serpulids from Thermae 2000 borehole (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands)
- Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
- Jacques Thorez
- Clay mineralogy of some clayey intervals in the Thermae 2002 borehole (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands)
- Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
- Günther Friedrich & Martin J.M. Bless
- Lead-Zinc mineralization in Dinantian rocks of boreholes Thermae 2000 and Thermae 2002 (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands)
- Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
- Monika Wolf & Martin J.M. Bless
- Coal-petrographic investigations on samples from the boreholes Thermae 2000 and Thermae 2002 (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands)
- Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
- Sven Krings & Horst-Robert Langguth
- Hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands)
- Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
- Martin J.M. Bless
- Summary of geology and hydrogeology of Thermae boreholes (South-Limburg, the Netherlands)
- Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
- David J. Batten, Maurice Streel, Michiel Dusar & Martin J.M. Bless
- Late Cretaceous palynomorphs from the boreholes Thermae 2002 (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands) and ‘s-Gravenvoeren (Belgium)
- Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
>> Index thématique