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Gregg Wade

Magnetic Fields of Massive Stars, on and after the Main Sequence

(Volume 93 - Année 2024 — No 2 - Proceeedings of the 3rd BINA Workshop on the Scientific Potential of the Indo-Belgian Cooperation)
Open Access

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The presence of a magnetic field in the outer layers of hot OB-type main sequence stars has clear and immediate impacts on their radiation-driven winds, resulting in obvious physical consequences than directly influence their observational properties and subsequent evolution. Furthermore, those initial magnetic fields are transported and modified during the stars’ future histories, and may appear as evolved fossils or they may seed dynamos as the stars cool and grow during their post-main sequence evolution. In this paper I will review the characteristics and consequences of the magnetic fields observed in hot stars, both on the main sequence and at later stages of stellar evolution.

Keywords : Massive stars, stellar magnetic fields, stellar evolution

Pour citer cet article

Gregg Wade, «Magnetic Fields of Massive Stars, on and after the Main Sequence», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 93 - Année 2024, No 2 - Proceeedings of the 3rd BINA Workshop on the Scientific Potential of the Indo-Belgian Cooperation, 514-527 URL :

A propos de : Gregg Wade

Department of Physics & Space Science, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Correspondence to: