- Accueil
- Volume 70 - Année 2001
- Numéro 4 - 5 - 6
Numéro 4 - 5 - 6
Willy Legros
Hommage à Pascal Laubin, Professeur ordinaire à l’Université de LiègeJean-Marie Bouquegneau
Hommage à Pascal Laubin, Professeur ordinaire à l’Université de LiègeKlaus. D. Bierstedt
A survey of some results and open problems in weighted inductive limits and projective description for spaces of holomorphic functionsJosé BONET & José A. Conojero
Duality for Monomorphisms and Almost Open Operators Between Locally Convex SpacesW. Rüdiger Braun, Reinhold Meise & B.A. Taylor
Surjectivity of constant coefficient partial differential operators on (4) and Whitney's C4-coneS. Corisco, E. Schrohe & J. Seiler
Differential Operators on Conic Manifolds : Maximal Regularity and Parabolic EquationsRichard Delanghe, Rolf Sölen Krausshar & Helmuth Robert MALONEK
Differentiability of functions with values in some real associative algebras : approaches to an old problemCatherine Finet & Pando Georgiev
Optimization by n-homogeneous polynomial perturbationsPaul GODIN
The behavior of solutions of some semilinear wave equations in one space dimension near their blow-up curveGilles Lebeau
Non linear optic and supercritical wave equationOtto Liess, Yasunori Okada & Nobuyuki Tose
Second Hyperfunctions, Regular Sequences, and Fourier Inverse TransformsJean MAWHIN
L'éternel retour des sommes de Riemann-Stieltjes dans l'évolution du calcul intégralAlfredo Peris
Hypercyclicity criteria and the Mittag-Leffler theoremJean SCHMETS & Manuel VALDIVIA
Ultraholomorphic extension maps for spaces of ultradifferentiable jetsJean-·Pierre Schneiders
A Real Analytic Schwartz’ Kernels TheoremJean Vaillant
Systèmes uniformément diagonalisables, dimension réduite et symétrie I.
The Tensor Algebra of the Space sJacques Aghion
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