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Ram Sagar

Indo-Belgian Co-operation in Astrophysics: From Inception to Future Prospects

(Volume 93 - Année 2024 — No 2 - Proceeedings of the 3rd BINA Workshop on the Scientific Potential of the Indo-Belgian Cooperation)
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In this manuscript, an overview of the accomplishments of the Indo-Belgian co-operation is presented in the current era of multi-wavelength global astronomy. About two decades ago, in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, academicians from India and Belgium embarked on formal interaction and collaboration. The Belgo-Indian Network for Astronomy and astrophysics (BINA), initiated in 2014, has been very productive and its activities have set a landmark for Indo-Belgian co-operation. Under this program, three international workshops were conducted. Several exchange work visits were also made among the astronomers of the two countries. Since the necessary foundation work has already been done, continuation of the BINA activities in future is strongly recommended.

Keywords : Network: BINA, telescopes: ILMT, telescopes: DOT, astronomy: Galactic and Extra-galactic

To cite this article

Ram Sagar, «Indo-Belgian Co-operation in Astrophysics: From Inception to Future Prospects», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 93 - Année 2024, No 2 - Proceeedings of the 3rd BINA Workshop on the Scientific Potential of the Indo-Belgian Cooperation, 1029-1041 URL :

About: Ram Sagar

Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560034 and Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational sciencES (ARIES), Manora Peak, Nainital, 263001, India. Correspondence to: