- Startpagina tijdschrift
- Volume 93 - Année 2024
- No 3 - 41st Liège International Astrophysical Coll...
- Modeling the Spectrum of the High-mass X-ray Binary System IGR J17544-2619
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Modeling the Spectrum of the High-mass X-ray Binary System IGR J17544-2619

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We revised the parameters of the High-mass X-ray Binary IGR J17544-2619 using the well-measured distance to the system from the Gaia survey. We modeled the spectrum of the optical component using the PoWR model grids, and CMFGEN code and determined its physical parameters: Teff = 32000 K, log g = 3.6, L∗ = 1.8×105 L⊙, mopt = 27.5 M⊙. The measured parameters made it possible to determine the optical component's position on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram as a star that has left the Main Sequence.
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Paper presented at the 41st Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium on “The eventful life of massive star multiples,” University of Liège (Belgium), 15–19 July 2024.
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Over : Evgeniia Nikolaeva
email : evgeny.nikolaeva@gmail.com