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F. Patru, D. Mourard, O. Lardière, L. Delage & F. Reynaud

Direct Imaging in Interferometry: Concept of a Pupil Densifier using Single-Mode Fibers
Proceedings of the European Interferometry Initiative Workshop organized in the context of the 20005 Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting "Distant Worlds"?

(Volume 74 - Année 2005 — Numéro 5 - 6)
Open Access

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We present a test bench designed to study the performances of interferometric imaging systems. It aims at comparing the aperture synthesis, Fizeau and densified pupils beam combination schemes, mainly in the framework of the second generation instrument VIDA (VLTI Imaging with a Densified Array) of the VLTI. It allows identification of the technical requirements like photometry and cophasing correction. A Fizeau assembly using a multi-apertures mask associated with a wavefront sensor has been achieved. A densified assembly has been studied. It allows pupil rearrangement and spatial filtering by using single mode fibers. The technical specifications of the fiber densifier are described here. The influence of the gaussian intensity distribution of the fibers in the direct image is also briefly discussed.

To cite this article

F. Patru, D. Mourard, O. Lardière, L. Delage & F. Reynaud, «Direct Imaging in Interferometry: Concept of a Pupil Densifier using Single-Mode Fibers», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 74 - Année 2005, Numéro 5 - 6, 385-388 URL :

About: F. Patru

Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Dpt. Gemini, UMR CNRS 6203, avenue Copernic, 06130 Grasse, France

About: D. Mourard

Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Dpt. Gemini, UMR CNRS 6203, avenue Copernic, 06130 Grasse, France

About: O. Lardière

Laboratoire d’Interférométrie Stellaire et Exo-planétaire, Observatoire de Haute Provence, 04170 Saint Michel l’Observatoire, France

About: L. Delage

IRCOM, UMR CNRS 6615, 123 avenue Albert Thomas, 87060 Limoges Cedex, France

About: F. Reynaud

IRCOM, UMR CNRS 6615, 123 avenue Albert Thomas, 87060 Limoges Cedex, France