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Thierry Morel

Studying bright, massive stars in the era of large telescopes
II. Wind structures

(Volume 79 - Année 2010)
Open Access
Mots-clés : magnetic fields: stellar, oscillations: stellar, spectroscopy: in astronomy, stars: characteristics and properties, stellar winds, supergiant stars, variable stars


There is strong observational evidence that the winds of massive stars are clumpy and/or exhibit large-scale spiral streams. Studying the structure of these outflows may not only provide more accurate estimates of the mass-loss rates that are critical for modelling their evolution, but also indirectly reveal the existence of pulsations and magnetic fields.  After a description of the progress made in the study of these wind structures, we will briefly discuss the perspectives for the future and draw attention to the potential of spectroscopic campaigns carried out by amateur astronomers to lead to significant advances in the field.

Pour citer cet article

Thierry Morel, «Studying bright, massive stars in the era of large telescopes», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 79 - Année 2010, 38 - 53 URL :

A propos de : Thierry Morel

Institute for Astrophysics and Geophysics, Liège University, Allée du 6 Août, 17, 4000 Liège, Belgium