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Michel Dethier

La voie des ténèbres : évolution vers la vie souterraine
Grottes et Abysses : Les mondes des Profondeurs (Colloques de la SRSL, le 8 décembre 2006)

(Volume 75 - Année 2006)
Open Access


Natural caves and artificial undergrounds constitute a fascinating world. As well as speleologists and archaeologists, biologists will find there an interesting filed of research. Indeed, the cave fauna is very particular and shows remarkable adaptations to the environment of this kind, where no light and no photosynthesis exist. Troglobites are frequently blind, colourless, long living with a low metabolism species. Scientists speak often of “regressive evolution”. But can evolution regress? Up to now, the origins of the underground fauna remain uncertain and specialists are still discussing the theories. But mankind did not wait for scientific explanations: since a long time, the underground world has been peopled by dwarfs and dragons…

To cite this article

Michel Dethier, «La voie des ténèbres : évolution vers la vie souterraine», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 75 - Année 2006, 89-113 URL :

About: Michel Dethier

Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques, Unité d’Entomologie fonctionnelle et évolutive, B-5030 Gembloux,