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Arts des profondeurs
Grottes et Abysses : Les mondes des Profondeurs (Colloques de la SRSL, le 8 décembre 2006)

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Deep caves contain mythological stories from the very remote past of the Paleolithic. These natural protected zone inspired fear as a result of conditions contrasting with everyday life: total darkness, cold, humidity, risk and the constant possibility of dying deep within the bowels of the earth. Experiencing such situations beyond everyday reality conditioned the mind to receive secrets about life and death, origins and explanation of the world order. Deep caves were incorporated into the social territory, and used for special events, such as ceremonies or rituals.
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About: Marcel Otte
Service de Préhistoire, Université de Liège, 7 place du XX Août, bât. A1, B-4000 Liège, Belgique. Tél. : +32-(0)-43665476, Fax. : +32-(0)-43665551, Marcel.Otte@ulg.ac.be