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B. Agrebaoui & N. Ben Fraj

On the cohomology of the Lie Superalgebra of contact vector fields on S1/1

(Volume 73 - Année 2004 — Numéro 5 - 6)
Open Access

Document(s) associé(s)


Mots-clés : pseudodifferentiel operator, super cercle, cohomology, contact vector fields


We investigate the first cohomology space attached to the embedding of the Lie superalgebra K(l) of contact vector fields on the supercircle S1/1 in the Lie Superalgebra of superpseudodifferential operators.  Following the paper of V. Ovsienko and C. Roger, Deforming the Lie algebra of vector fields on SI inside the Poisson algebra on T*S1, Comm. Math. Phys., 198 (1998) 97-110, we show that this space is four-dimensional with only even cocycles and we calculate explicitly four l-cocycles representing non-trivial generating cohomology classes.

Pour citer cet article

B. Agrebaoui & N. Ben Fraj, «On the cohomology of the Lie Superalgebra of contact vector fields on S1/1», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 73 - Année 2004, Numéro 5 - 6, 365-375 URL :

A propos de : B. Agrebaoui

Département de Mathématiques, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, route de Soukra, 3018 Sfax BP 802, Tunisie, E-mail address :

A propos de : N. Ben Fraj

Institut Supérieur de Sciences Appliquées et Technologie, Sousse, E-mail address: