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Batool Mortazavi & Nasrin AliShirvani

Multimodal User Interface, Enabling of Assistive Robots

(Volume 85 - Année 2016 — Actes de colloques — Special edition)
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Multimodal user interface is a kind of user interface which is able to receive various high data and produce various types of output in reaction to it. Though human – robot interaction is based on human and computer interaction, it is more complex than human – computer interaction due to considerable increase in the number of inputs and outputs. Increase in parameters results from mobility of robot and human, interaction of robot and objects and necessity for three-dimensional understanding of the environment. Security is one of the main concerns in human – robot interaction. One of the novel applications of robots is caring for people with physical disability and aged people. Due to some limitations of these patients, simplicity of communication and no need for learning by the clients, in one hand, and presence of various inputs, versatility and automatic adaptation of robot performance and ability to respond to incomplete input, on the other hand, is palpable.

Keywords : adaptive interface, assistive robots, human – computer interaction, human – robot interaction, multiModal user interface

To cite this article

Batool Mortazavi & Nasrin AliShirvani, «Multimodal User Interface, Enabling of Assistive Robots», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 85 - Année 2016, Actes de colloques, Special edition, 446 - 453 URL :

About: Batool Mortazavi

Payame Noor Faculty Member,

About: Nasrin AliShirvani

Payame Noor Faculty Member,