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Saeed Saki Entezami & Mohammad Honarpisheh

A Study on the Hardness of 7075 and 5052 Aluminum Alloys in the Equal Channel Angular Rolling Process

(Volume 85 - Année 2016 — Actes de colloques — Special edition)
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In this research, five strips, made of Al-7075 in the routes A and C and five strips made of Al-5052 in the route C, were subjected to the equal channel angular rolling (ECAR) process during 5 passes in order to study the changes of hardness in the ECARed Al-7075-o and 5052 strips. The process of equal channel angular rolling is one of the severe plastic deformation processes which are used for strengthening metal sheets. The results of hardness test showed that by increasing the number of passes, surface hardness and hardness in the direction of thickness for ECARed Al-7075 alloy were increased 63% and 46% in the route A, respectively and 51% and 30% in the route C respectively. Also, the hardness in the direction of thickness and surface hardness in Al-5052 alloy were increased 41% and 64%, respectively.

Keywords : Al-5052, Al-707, equal channel angular rolling (ECAR), material strengthening, severe plastic deformation (SPD)

To cite this article

Saeed Saki Entezami & Mohammad Honarpisheh, «A Study on the Hardness of 7075 and 5052 Aluminum Alloys in the Equal Channel Angular Rolling Process», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 85 - Année 2016, Actes de colloques, Special edition, 879 - 889 URL :

About: Saeed Saki Entezami

Department of Mechanics, Jasb Branch, Islamic Azad University, Delijan, Iran

About: Mohammad Honarpisheh

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran,