- Startpagina tijdschrift
- Volume 85 - Année 2016
- Actes de colloques
- Special edition
- Offline Software system to evaluate Handwriting with pen
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Offline Software system to evaluate Handwriting with pen
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Version PDF originaleAbstract
Line from the past to the present is of utmost importance, to the extent that most psychologists are aware of the fact that, from the handwriting of individuals can be partly realized their personality and psychological characteristics. Therefore, all people are willing to have a good handwriting. In the field of image processing, valuable work has been done on the field of detection handwriting. However, less attention has been paid to the subject of evaluation handwriting. To the extent that, according to searches that conducted by me, such work has not been done in the Persian line. The purpose of the evaluation in this article is to compare the user's handwriting with reference handwriting in terms of rules and principles and then displays the user's level of matching with the reference line and displays the differences between the user and the reference line. For this purpose, after selecting the reference line, skeleton of the user's handwriting and the reference one is extracted and after framing the picture, comparing this two handwriting by using an innovative method. Then, obtain the user-level and display it. In the end, in order to learn how to properly write, user handwriting and reference line simultaneously displayed in order to distinct and improve it. It should be noted that the project is currently implemented on the Persian letters.