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Parastoo Ghandi, Elahe Hejazi & Nahid Ghandi

A Study on the Relationship between Resilience and Turnover Intention: With an Emphasis on the Mediating Roles of Job Satisfaction and Job Stress

(Volume 86 - Année 2017 — Special issue)
Open Access

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This study attempted to investigate the relationship between resilience, job satisfaction, job stress and turnover intention among counselors through path analysis. For this purpose, 207 counselors at Shahriar-based schools were randomly selected as sample. Then, the subjects filled several questionnaires including Connor and Davidson Resiliency Scale (2003); Job Satisfaction by Rutherford et al. (2009); Job Stress by Stanimter (1997) and Turnover Intention by Babakas et al. (2009). The findings obtained through path analysis showed that resilience had a positive, significant and direct effect on job satisfaction, while the direct effect of resilience on job stress was negative and significant. Moreover, job satisfaction had a significantly negative effect on turnover, while job stress had a significant direct effect on turnover intention. The effect of job stress on job satisfaction was negative and significant. The results showed that the relationship between resiliency and turnover was mediated by job satisfaction and job stress.

Keywords : job satisfaction, job stress, resilience, turnover intention

Om dit artikel te citeren:

Parastoo Ghandi, Elahe Hejazi & Nahid Ghandi, «A Study on the Relationship between Resilience and Turnover Intention: With an Emphasis on the Mediating Roles of Job Satisfaction and Job Stress», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 86 - Année 2017, Special issue, 189 - 200 URL :

Over : Parastoo Ghandi

Master of Educational Psychology, University of Tehran

Over : Elahe Hejazi

Master of Educational Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran

Over : Nahid Ghandi

Elahe Hejazi, Associate Professor at University of Tehran