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Abbas Ali Zarei & Parisa Parhizkari

The Relationship between Media Literacy and Listening Comprehension among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners

(Volume 86 - Année 2017 — Special issue)
Open Access

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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between media literacy and listening comprehension among Iranian intermediate EFL learners. To this end, after conducting Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency (MTELP), 84 Iranian EFL learners at intermediate levels of English language proficiency were selected. Then, the media literacy questionnaire (Media Literacy Self-assessment Scale (MLSS)), developed by Chang et al. (2011), with 13 items and a listening comprehension test (TOEFL Listening: Lecture (1) (2015)) with ten multiple-choice questions was used to measure the learners’ media literacy and their level of listening comprehension ability. To test the possible correlation between media literacy and the learners’ listening comprehension, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used. The findings revealed that there was a positive relationship between media literacy and listening comprehension.

Keywords : iranian intermediate- Level earners, listening comprehension, media literacy

To cite this article

Abbas Ali Zarei & Parisa Parhizkari, «The Relationship between Media Literacy and Listening Comprehension among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 86 - Année 2017, Special issue, 891 - 907 URL :

About: Abbas Ali Zarei

Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran,

About: Parisa Parhizkari

Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran,