Lejeunia, Revue de Botanique

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(N°173 (août 2003))
Open Access

1Lecanora leuckertiana Zedda

2Belgium, Mosan: SE of Gendron, along the river Lesse (H6.51), on W exposed steep calcareous rock, 3.1995, P. van den Boom 16706 (h, LG); Villers-sur-Lesse, S of Château Royal (J6.13), calcareous outcrops, on vertical face, 5.2001, P. van den Boom 26580 (h, LG). – Ard.: 2.5 km N of Smuid, 200 m W of rocher de Marie de Gobaille (J6.56), vertical, shaded, schistose rock, 5.2000, P. van den Boom 24519 (h, LG).

3This recently described species (ZEDDA, 2000) is sterile and easily identified by its unusual combination of common compounds (usnic acid and zeorin). Both specimens from the Mosan district cited above have been checked by TLC and definitely belong to that species. Lecanora leuckertiana is thus new for the study area.

4Lecanora piniperda Körb.

5Belgium, Ard.: Gedinne, Croix Scaille (K5.26), 5.2000, P. van den Boom 24408 (h); SW of Eupen, Hertogenwald, path from Brackvenn to Nahtsief (F8.56), on dead standing decorticated trunk, 9.2001, P. & B. van den Boom 27983 (h). – Lorr.: SE of Florenville, forêt d’Orval, along stream ‘Frère Simon’ (L6.58), on wood of fence post, 4.1998, P. van den Boom 20053 (h).

6This species was known from L Ard. et Lorr. (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 110) and is here newly recorded for Belgium.

7Lecanora zosterae (Ach.) Nyl.

8France, Mar.: Pas-de-Calais, Cran aux Oeufs, top of cliff near village (E22.14), on stems and branches of Lycium barbarum, 6.2001, P. Diederich 14878 (LG, h).

9Netherlands: Frise, Schiermonnikoog, près du port, sur un poteau en bois dans la mer, 4.1984, P. Diederich 5364 (h).

10This species was recently recognized in the British Isles, where it mainly develops on decaying rosettes and leaves of Armeria maritima, and more rarely on decaying leaves of other plants, always over rocks and soil close to the sea (LAUNDON, 2003). In North America it is common on lignum and dead vegetation (BRODO et al., 2001). It is new for the study area and for the Netherlands.

11Lecidea siderolithica Müll. Arg.

12Belgium, Ard.: Stavelot, vallée de l’Amblève, rocher de Challe (G8.52), paroi siliceuse fortement enrichie en métaux lourds, 8.1997, E. Sérusiaux s.n. (LG); ibid., 3.1998, M. Minet, E. Sérusiaux & P. van den Boom (LG, hb van den Boom).

13France, Ard.: Ardennes, bois de Fumay, le long de la route entre Fumay et Revin, paroi schisteuse subverticale fortement ferrophile, 6.1967, J. Lambinon 67/345 (LG) ; ibid., 7.1978 (excursion de l’Association Française de Lichénologie 1978), R. Iserentant & E. Sérusiaux (LG, hb Iserentant).

14These collections have been examined by the most distinguished specialist of the genus Lecidea, Dr H. Hertel, and were found to be close to Lecidea siderolithica Müll. Arg. Several anatomical details however bring them somewhat apart from it, but no alternative name could be found. L. siderolithica belongs to the Lecidea fuscoatra aggr. and needs further investigations; typical populations are known from the British Isles, France and Germany (HERTEL, 1995: 171).

15The rock substrate at both localities is strongly enriched with iron and typical ferrophilous lichen communities develop: at the Rocher de Challe in Stavelot, Acarospora sinopica is the dominant species while yellow Lecanora are lacking; at the Fumay locality, Lecanora epanora is very abundant, together with Acarospora sinopica, Lecanora handelii and L. subaurea. The species is new for the area covered by the checklist.

16Leiorreuma lyellii (Sm.) Staiger

17Syn.: Phaeographis lyellii (Sm.) Zahlbr.

18France, Pic. : Somme, au N d’Abbeville, forêt domaniale de Crécy, lots 35-37 (H21.41), alt. 75 m, sur Carpinus dans une forêt, 7.2001, P. Diederich 15089 (h).

19See comments under Phaeographis dendritica. New for the study area.

20Leptogium byssinum (Hoffm.) Nyl.

21Belgium, Mosan: Oret (près de Mettet), hameau de Coroy (H5.32), carrière de sable, 2.2003, J.-P. Duvivier (h) & D. Ertz 3040 (BR, LG, hb Diederich).

22This species was known from a single Belgian locality in the Mar. district (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 117), and is here reported as new for the Mosan district. It covers a surface of 1-2 m2 at the edge of a quarry, where it grows in open grass vegetation over clay.

23Leptogium teretiusculum (Wallr.) Arnold

24Belgium, Ard.: Villers-Sainte-Gertrude, au N du village, vallée du ruisseau de Pont-le-Prêtre (H7.13), sur Juglans, dans un pâturage, 4.2001, E. Sérusiaux s. n. (LG).

25This species was known from five Belgian and two Luxembourg saxicolous collections (SÉRUSIAUX et al., 1999). The new record is most interesting, as it is the first corticolous population in the study area.

26*Libertiella malmedyensis Speg. & Roum.

27Luxembourg, Lorr.: entre Dudelange et Kayl, Haard (M8.54), sur Peltigera gr. rufescens, 7.2002, D. Ertz 2497 (BR), P. Diederich & J. Miadlikowska.

28Within the study area, this species was known only from B Ard. (type locality), where it was collected in 1880 (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000). It is new for Luxembourg.

29Lichina confinis (Müller) Agardh

30France, Mar.: Pas-de-Calais, near cap Gris-Nez (E22.14), on sandstone rocks with large populations of Verrucaria maura, 5.2002, P. Diederich 15140 (h, LG).

31This species was collected several times on a single rock near cap Gris-Nez (E22.15) between 1951 and 1994, and it seems to have disappeared since (SPARRIUS et al., 2002). We report here the discovery of a second, very healthy population, covering rocks over a surface of more than 20 × 5 m2. As the species is extremely rare in our region, we do not give further details on the exact location of the population, to avoid overcollecting.

32Lobarina scrobiculata (Scop.) Cromb.

33Belgium, Ard.: near Herbeumont, vallée de l’Antrogne (L6.25), tronc d’un gros Acer, 1.2003, D. Ertz 2907 (BR).

34This species was considered as possibly extinct in Belgium, as it has not been observed since 1991 on a tree that was eventually removed (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 121). It has been rediscovered in Belgium on a single tree of 90 cm in diam. in an old forest near Herbeumont. This species requires a special conservation program.

35(*)Milospium graphideorum (Nyl.) D. Hawksw.

36Belgium, Mosan: Han-sur-Lesse, Belvédère (J6.24), sheltered limestone outcrop, 12.2001, D. Ertz s. n. (LG); SE of Nismes, ‘Roche Trouée’ (J5.41), sheltered limestone outcrop, 3.2002, D. Ertz s. n. (LG); Treignes, vallée du Ruisseau des Fonds de Ri, lieu-dit ‘Roche aux chevaux’ (J5.33), affleurement de calcaire compact du Givetien en bord de rivière, 5.1999, D. Ertz s. n. (LG), E. Sérusiaux s. n. (LG) & P. Diederich 14219 (h).

37This species was included in the recent Checklist (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 125), based on one of the above mentioned collections, but no specimen has been published until now. The species is relatively rare in the Mosan district, and grows exclusively in association with Dirina stenhammarii as a lichenicolous fungus: occasionally it becomes independent and sometimes develops a distinct blackish prothallus separating it from its initial host. Corticolous specimens of the same species known from other countries are usually non-lichenicolous independent lichens (APTROOT & SIPMAN, 2001; also specimens in hb Diederich examined).

38*Neolamya peltigerae (Mont.) Theiss. & Syd.

39Luxembourg, Lorr.: Lamadelaine, Fusboesch (M8.31), sur Peltigera didactyla, 7.2002, P. Diederich 15479 (h), J. Miadlikowska & D. Ertz 2535 (BR); entre Dudelange et Kayl, Haard (M8.54), sur Peltigera didactyla, 7.2002, P. Diederich 15487 (h), J. Miadlikowska & D. Ertz.

40A rare, but widespread peltigericolous ascomycete, here reported as new for the study area.

41Opegrapha gyrocarpa Flot.

42Belgium, Ard.: Sainte-Cécile, vallée de la Semois, entre le lieu-dit Relogne et les rochers face à la roche du Chat (L6.36), parties ombragées de parois siliceuses, partiellement en sous-bois, 7.1997, E. Sérusiaux s. n. (LG) (TLC: gyrophoric et schizopeltic ac.); Nisramont, confluence des Deux-Ourthes, rive gauche, au N du lieu-dit ‘Steignon Chaineu’ (J7.25), barre rocheuse en bord de l’Ourthe et en sous-bois, 4.2000, E. Sérusiaux s. n. (LG) (TLC: schizopeltic ac.).

43Opegrapha gyrocarpa is easily identified by its yellowish orange color and the production of schizopeltic acid, sometimes produced together with gyrophoric acid. Both collections are sterile and were checked by TLC. The species is new for the area of study.

44*Paranectria oropensis (Ces.) D. Hawksw. & Piroz.

45Luxembourg, Lorr.: Lamadelaine, Fusboesch (M8.31), on Fagus, on Lepraria lobificans, 7.2002, D. Ertz 2522 (BR), P. Diederich 15484 (h) & J. Miadlikowska.

46This species was tentatively reported from Luxembourg (SÉRUSIAUX et al., 1999) based on an immature specimen overgrowing Buellia punctata and Xanthoria candelaria. The report of a fully mature collection allows us to ascertain the occurrence of the species in the study area.

47Parmelia ernstiae Feuerer & A. Thell

48Belgium, Mosan: Namur, rochers (schistes houillers) au pied de la citadelle, entre le pont de l’Evêché et le pont de Sambre (G5.36), 6.1961, J. Lambinon 61/635 (LG); Macon, route de Chimay (J4.53), sur Ulmus, 8.1962, J. Duvigneaud 62/521 (LG); Baileux, bois de baileux, au-dessus du “Chemin des Liégeois” (J4.56), sur Quercus en futaie, 5.1964, J. Lambinon 64/448 (LG); Roly, bord de l’étang du Fraity (J5.21), saussaie marécageuse, sur Salix mort, 12.1972, E. Sérusiaux 29 (LG); Loverval, route de Philippeville (G4.57), à l’entrée du bois, sur Ulmus, 11.1959, J. Lambinon 59/622 (LG); Dinant, Fonds de Leffe (H5.38), tronc de Fraxinus en bord de ruisseau, 9.1961, J. Lambinon 61/2205 (LG); Biron, vergers au bord de la route Barvaux-Hotton (H7.21), sur arbres fruitiers, 1.1960, J. Lambinon 60/21 (LG); Froidchapelle, bois de Hermoy (J4.25), futaie claire, tronc de Quercus, 2.1964, J. Lambinon 64/68 (LG); Rance, forêt de Rance, aulnaie à sphaignes en bordure de la route de Beaumont (J4.24), sur Alnus, 9.1964, J. Lambinon 64/1569 (LG); Thirimont, verger en bord de la route Beaumont-Mons (H4.43), vieux tronc de cerisier, 9.1964, J. Lambinon 64/1518 (LG); Theux, route de Liège-Spa, à la limite de Louveigné (G7.17), tronc de Fraxinus, 8.1962, J. Lambinon 32/1470 (LG). – Ard.: Mormont, pierrier de la limite communale de Chêne-al-Pierre (Pierry del Fagne Houbier) (H7.23), sur bloc rocheux, 9.1961, J. Lambinon 61/2159 (LG); Erezée, vallée de l’Aisne (H7.33), sur Fraxinus, 1.1960, J. Lambinon 60/30 (LG); Herbeumont, Rocher du Chat (L6.26), sur Betula, 8.1959, J. Duvigneaud s. n. (LG); ibid., sur Quercus, J. Duvigneaud s. n. (LG); Assenois-lez-Neufchâteau, propriété du Comte d’Ansembourg (L7.11), sur tronc d’Ulmus, 6.1960, J. Lambinon 60/1064 (LG); entre Anlier et Habay-la-Neuve (L7.35), tronc de Fraxinus en bord de route, 7.1964, J. Lambinon 64/1013 (LG); Grimbiemont (comm. de Roy) (J6.18), vieux tronc de pommier (haie en bordure de prairie), 5.1964, J. Lambinon 64/336 (LG); Noville, Wicourt, le long de la route Bastogne-Houffalize (J7.46), tronc de Fraxinus, 5.1964, J. Lambinon 64/432 (LG); entre Bütgenbach et Waismes, au bord de la route de Malmedy (G8.46), tronc de Sorbus aucuparia, 11.1962, J. Lambinon 62/2078 (LG); Gembes, banc rocheux (schiste dur) au bord du ruisseau des Rives, près de la route de Porcheresse (K6.12), 7.1962, J. Lambinon 62/783 (LG); route de Morhet (K7.23), sur Fraxinus, 4.1960, J. Ramaut s. n. (LG); Marbay, route Neufchâteau-Arlon, près du carrefour de la route Marbay-Bernimont (L7.12), sur Picea en bord de route, 3.1960, J. Ramaut s. n. (LG); St-Hubert, route de Champlon, près du pénitencier (J6.57), sur Acer pseudoplatanus, 5.1964, J. Lambinon 64/653 (LG); Naomé, “Mon Idée” (route de Bouillon, limite de Baillamont) (K6.32), tronc de Picea, 9.1964, J. Lambinon 64/1581 (LG). – Lorr.: Tintigny, bord de la route de Bellefontaine (L7.52), tronc de Fraxinus, 9.1962, J. Lambinon 62/1824; Sainte-Marie-sur-Semois, bord de chemin près du calvaire (L7.53), tronc de Populus, 9.1962, J. Lambinon 62/1769 (LG); SE of Etalle, S of Sivry, bois d’Etalle (L7.54), on Quercus, P. & B. van den Boom 30643 (h, hb Diederich).

49Luxembourg, Ard.: Asselborn, entre Emeschbaach et Moulin d’Asselborn (J8.32), sur un rocher en schistes, 8.1980, P. Diederich 2751 (h). – Lorr.: NNW of Contern, Weierboesch (M8.27), on Quercus, 9.1987, P. Diederich 8621 (h, LD, LG); Rodange, Prënzebierg (M8.31), on Betula, abandoned old quarry with Betula and Salix trees, 5.2003, P. Diederich 15601 (h); SW of Larochette, Meysembourg (L8.26), on roadside Aesculus, 5.2003, P. & B. van den Boom s.n. (h); Larochette, vallon du Manzebaach (L8.27), tronc de Fagus abattu, 9.1966, J. Lambinon 66/1538 (LG); Berdorf, sur la crête du Perekop (escarpement de grès de Luxembourg) (L9.12), 6.1961, J. Lambinon 61/536 (LG); N Mamer, près du Fonkebiirchen (L8.53), sur Quercus, 7.1980, P. Diederich 2266 (h); SW Kopstal, Neimaxmillen, près d’un ancien étang (L8.54), sur Tilia, 7.1980, P. Diederich 2253 (h); S Rambrouch (L7.18), sur Fraxinus, 9.1979, P. Diederich 1911 (h); E Vichten, route vers Bissen (L8.13), sur Tilia, 9.1979, P. Diederich 1817 (h); E Heisdorf (L8.56), dans un verger, 7.1979, P. Diederich 1497 (h); N Ernster (L8.47), sur Malus, 7.1979, P. Diederich 1390 (h); S Eisenborn, près des étangs (L8.46), sur un arbre, 7.1979, P. Diederich 1506 (h); S Capellen, près d’un étang dans forêt (M8.13), sur Quercus, 7.1980, P. Diederich 2246 (h); Luxembourg, parc W Radio (M8.15), sur Platanus, 11.1966, L. Reichling (LUX); Vichten (L8.13), vers 1890, J. Feltgen 172 (LUX).

50France, Mosan: Ardennes, rochers de Chooz, au-dessus de Petit-Chooz (J5.35), rochers schisto-gréseux ± calcareux d’un petit abrupt sous la crête, 5.1970, J. Lambinon 70/449 (LG). – Moselle, 12 km E of Bitche, Grosser Hundskopf [réserve naturelle des rochers et tourbières du pays de Bitche: rock 20], on Quercus, 7.2001, P. Diederich 14829 (h) & J. Signoret. – Vosges, E de La Bresse, chemin allant du col de Brammont vers le col de l’Etang, 950-1100 m, futaie à Abies et Acer, 6.1987, E. Sérusiaux s. n. (LG). – Finistère, forêt de Cranou, près de la route de St Conval, sur branche de Quercus, 5.1960, R. Schumacker s. n. & J. Lambinon 60/678 (LG). – Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Iraty, forêt au NE des “Châlets d’Iraty”, 1200-1300 m, futaie de hêtres, 7.1989, P. W. James, F. Rose, J. Vivant & E. Sérusiaux s. n. (LG).

51Germany: Bez. Nordhessen, grossflächig an senkrechten, teilschattigen, feuchtgetönten grobkörnigen Basalttuffwänden im Parmelietum omphalodis, 500 m, Felsabbrüche zwischen Dörnberg und Helfensteinen im Naturpark Habitchtwald westlich Kessel, 4.1972, G. Follmann Lichenes Exsiccati selecti a Museo Historiae Naturalis Casselensis editi n° 308 (LG, hb Diederich).

52Greece: Thessaly, Litochoron, Olympus, Stavros, 1000 m, on Pinus, 8.1984, P. van den Boom 2083 (h); ibid., Mt Olympus, 2100 m, on Pinus, 7.1984, P. van den Boom 1944; chaîne du Pinde, route de Kalambaka à Ioannina, 28 km avant Metsovon, 15 km avant le col, 1500 m, bois de pin, sur tronc, 8.1962, V. Demoulin (LG).

53Slovenia: Alpes Juliennes, Bohinj, sur Larix en bord de route, 6.1960, J. L. Ramaut s. n. (LG).

54Algeria: Mt Babor, sur cèdre, 9.1981, J. P. Ledant s. n. (LG).

55Spain, Canary Isles: Tenerife, route La Esperanza-Las Cañadas, La Crucita, crête venteuse, 1970 m, blocs de lave, 4.1972, J. R. De Sloover 72L108 (LG); Tenerife, route Aquamansa-El Portillo, barranco recoupé par la route, 1680 m, sur sol meuble entre les rochers, 3.1972, J. R. De Sloover 72L16 (LG).

56This species was recently described from Germany (FEUERER & THELL, 2002) and has subsequently also been discovered in southern Sweden (THELL, 2003). It is very similar to Parmelia saxatilis, but mainly differs in the strongly pruinose upper thallus surface (sometimes epruinose near the margin) and isidia. From the original description, it seems obvious that Parmelia saxatilis var. retiruga f. pruinosa Lynge [in Bergens Museums Aarbog 9: 91, 1910] represents the same taxon. There might be a sorediate counter-part in P. sulcata as Harmand (Lich. de France 4: 567, 1909) has described var. pruinosa Harm. within that species with the following description: “Thalle blanchâtre ou blanc-grisâtre recouvert d’une pruine farineuse …”. Indeed, the collections of P. sulcata in LG and hb Diederich hold several specimens which match that description. It seems clear to us that detailed DNA analysis of such sibbling taxa should provide reliable data to assess their taxonomic value.

57We report P. ernstiae here as new for the study area, where it appears to be widespread although much rarer than P. saxatilis, for France, Greece, Slovenia, Algeria and the Canary Isles.

58Peltigera extenuata (Vain.) Lojka

59Belgium, Lorr.: Buzenol, bord de la voie ferrée près de la gare (M7.14), 8.1965, J. Lambinon 65/671 (LG).

60Luxembourg, Lorr.: s. loc., vers 1840, F.-A. Tinant 80 (LUX); Pétange, Prënzebierg (M8.31), 9.1966, J. Lambinon 67/1360 (LG); Mensdorf, Widdebierg, carrière (L9.51), sur un rocher en grès, 8.1982, P. Diederich 3606 (h); entre Dudelange et Kayl, Haard (M8.54), sur de la terre, 7.2002, J. Miadlikowska, P. Diederich 15486 (h) & D. Ertz 2512 (BR).

61This taxon was for a long time included in the species concept of Peltigera didactyla. It is distinguished from the latter by the abundant, strongly branched rhizinae. The young soralia of P. extenuata react C+ red and those of P. didactyla C- and thus provide a further diagnostic feature. New for the study area.

62The collection from Dudelange is parasitized by the lichenicolous ascomycete Corticifraga fuckelii (Rehm) D. Hawksw. & R. Sant.

63Peltigera monticola Vitik.

64Luxembourg, Lorr.: Lamadelaine, Fusboesch (M8.31), over soil, 7.2002, J. Miadlikowska 07.27.02/8, P. Diederich & D. Ertz (DUKE, hb Diederich).

65This species was described by VITIKAINEN (1994) for a small number of specimens from central and south-eastern Europe (Austria, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Romania, Sardinia, Slovenia and Switzerland). It was later also recorded from Sweden (BERGSTEN, 1999) and from the Iberian Peninsula (MARTÍNEZ et al., 1997). It is very similar to P. rufescens and P. ponojensis, and VITIKAINEN (1994) noted that it is in need of further observations. Peltigera monticola belongs to the canina-aggr. and thus has a tomentose upper surface, at least on marginal lobes. It can be distinguished by its upper surface indeed hardly tomentose, but also slightly and distinctly pruinose at lobes margins, by the development of lobules, and by short, simple, slender, brownish rhizines. It is close to P. ponojensis, another poorly understood species in the area of study.

66Two typical specimens of this species were collected, together with abundant P. rufescens, P. didactyla, and more rarely P. ponojensis, near Lamadelaine, in a terricolous vegetation dominated by Peltigera species. ITS-sequences of both specimens, and also of several P. ponojensis specimens from the same locality confirmed the identifications (J. Miadlikowska, pers. comm.). The species is new for the study area.

67*Phacopsis fusca (Triebel & Rambold) Diederich

68Syn.: Phacopsis oxyspora (Tul.) Triebel & Rambold var. fusca Triebel & Rambold

69Belgium, Ard.: Salmchâteau (H8.31), on Neofuscelia pulla, 6.1890, J. Feltgen 171a (LUX); Houffalize, rochers gréseux au bord de la route de La Roche, à 2 km de Houffalize (J7.27), sur Xanthoparmelia conspersa, 11.1961, J. Lambinon 61/2408 (LG).

70Luxembourg, Ard.: Hoscheid, Molberlay (K8.24), on Xanthoparmelia somloensis, 4.2000, P. Diederich 14127 (h).

71The specimen from Houffalize was published by SÉRUSIAUX et al. (1999: 64) as Phacopsis oxyspora. Re-examination of the material and the discovery of two additional specimens lead to P. fusca, a taxon mainly growing on Xanthoparmelia species (TRIEBEL et al., 1995). P. oxyspora s. str. does not seem to occur in the study area and has to be deleted from the checklist.

72Phaeographis dendritica (Ach.) Müll. Arg.

73France, Pic.: Somme, au N d’Abbeville, forêt domaniale de Crécy, lots 35-37 (H21.41), alt. 75 m, sur Carpinus dans une forêt, 7.2001, P. Diederich 15087 (h).

74Within the study area, this extremely rare species was known only from one 19th century record from B Brab. (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 139), and it was considered to be extinct. It was discovered in the forêt domaniale de Crécy together with P. inusta on Carpinus, P. smithii on Quercus and Leiorreuma lyellii (syn.: P. lyellii) on Carpinus, demonstrating the very high patrimonial value of this remarkable forest.

75Phaeographis smithii (Leight.) B. de Lesd.

76France, Pic.: Somme, au N d’Abbeville, forêt domaniale de Crécy, lots 35-37 (H21.41), alt. 75 m, sur Quercus dans une forêt, 7.2001, P. Diederich 15094 (h).

77This species was known from one 19th century record from B Fl., one 1910 record from F Brab. (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 139), and two 1954 records from F Boul. (SPARRIUS et al., 2002), and it was considered to be extinct in our study area.

78Physcia leptalea (Ach.) DC., nom. cons.

79Syn.: P. semipinnata (J. F. Gmel.) Moberg

80Luxembourg, Lorr.: NE of Differdange, near Rodange, reserve Prënzebierg (M8.31), on Salix, abandoned old quarry with Betula and Salix trees, 10.2002, P. & B. van den Boom 29822 (h, hb Diederich).

81France, Mar.: Pas-de-Calais, au N de Dannes, dunes, un peu au N du parking permettant l’accès au Mont St-Frieux (F22.35), sur Salix en bord de chemin dans une petite mare, 7.2002, P. Diederich 15439 (h); Somme, à 6 km au NNW de Le Crotoy, à 1 km au SW du Bout des Crocs, près de l’entrée du parc ornithologique du Marquenterre (H22.34), sur Fraxinus, dans une dune plantée principalement de pins, 7.2001, P. Diederich 15330 (LG, h). – Pic.: Pas-de-Calais, à 5 km au SSE de Montreuil, route d’Ecuires vers Bloville, à 500 m avant Bloville (G22.38), sur Acer, le long d’une route, 7.2002, P. Diederich 15452 (h).

82In the 19th century this species was relatively common in Luxembourg, where Feltgen collected it many times in the surroundings of Mersch; it was last collected there in 1891. In Belgium, it was known from one 1962 record from the Mar. district, one 1851 record from the Brab. district, and two Ard. records before 1856. It was considered to be extinct in the study area since 1962 (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 141). It was furthermore reported from three collections from the Mar. and Boul. districts in France (Pas-de-Calais), the most recent record being from 1973 (SPARRIUS et al., 2002). The unexpected recent discovery of a healthy population in L Lorr and the finding of several populations in F Mar. and Pic. suggest that either the species was overlooked until recently, or that it is currently spreading in our region.

83Placynthiella dasaea (Stirt.) Tønsberg

84Belgium, Camp.: Kalmthoutse Heide, dune area with Calluna heathland and scattered trees (B4.27), 3.2000, P. & B. van den Boom 23986 (h); E of Leopoldsburg, S of Hechtel, Hechtelse Heide (C6.57), Calluna heathland with scattered trees, vertical facing sand along path, 3.2001, P. & B. van den Boom s. n. (h); NNW of Hamont, Beverbeekse Heide (B7.52), small Calluna heathland, 6.2000, P. & B. van den Boom 24282 (h); E of Genk, SW of Maasmechelen Kikmolen (D7.44), mixed forest, on Quercus, 4.2001, P. & B. van den Boom s. n. (h); ENE of Zonhoven, nature reserve ‘De Teut’ (D6.38), on the wood of a dead tree in a heathland, 9.2001, P. Diederich 15031 (h). – Lorr.: 10 km WSW of Arlon, large quarry on S side of road from Meix-le-Tige to Chantemelle, at c. 2.5 km ESE of Chantemelle (M7.15), on plant debris, 9.2002, P. Diederich 15554 (h).

85France, Pic.: Somme, Doullens, vallée de l’Authie en aval de Doullens (J0.11), sur Populus, le long d’un ruisseau, 3.1989, E. Sérusiaux 10387 (LG).

86DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX (2000: 144) reported this species from Luxemburg and suggested that it might be overlooked in Belgium. During recent excursions in Belgium and the southern Netherlands, it appeared to be widespread. New for Belgium.

87*Polydesmia lichenis Huhtinen & R. Sant.

88Luxembourg, Lorr.: E of Tétange, Langertengrond (M8.54), on the lower thallus surface of Peltigera, 4.1987, G. Marson s. n. (hb Diederich 8710); Pétange, Prënzebierg (M8.31), anciens déblais de minerai de fer, sur P. rufescens, 5.2003, P. Diederich 15617 (h).

89This lichenicolous ascomycete was described from Norway and Sweden on Peltigera species (HUHTINEN & SANTESSON, 1997) and was eventually also recorded from Austria (HAFELLNER, 1998). Our material is poorly developed, and the perithecia are immature. Nevertheless, the most characteristic ascomata were compared macroscopically and microscopically with an isotype specimen (in hb Diederich), and perfectly match this species. New for the study area.

90*Pronectria oligospora Lowen & Rogerson var. octospora Etayo

91Belgium, Camp.: 8 km S of Geel, Zammel, Zammelsbroek (C5.58), on Punctelia subrudecta, 1.2002, O. Heylen (h, hb Diederich).

92Lichenicolous ascomycete new for the study area.

93*Pronectria pertusariicola Lowen

94Belgium, Lorr.: 6 km SE of Florenville, 4 km S of Pin, along road to Abbaye d’Orval, small valley W of road, just S of Etang du Pré Frère Simon (L6.57), on Acer pseudoplatanus, on Pertusaria pertusa, 9.2002, P. Diederich 15527 (h).

95Madeira: road between Ribeira Brava and S. Vicente, 2 km N of Encumeada, 800 m, on Pertusaria, 4.1992, P. Diederich 4885 (h).

96This lichenicolous ascomycete was known from the Canary Islands, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain and Sweden (COPPINS & COPPINS, 2000; ETAYO, 1996; FOX, 2000; ROSSMAN et al., 1999), and is here newly reported from Belgium and from Madeira. The original account of the species is somewhat confusing, as the ascospores were said to be (9-)15-20 × 4.5-5(-6) μm in the description (p. 59), but only 9-12 × 4.5-5 μm in the key (p. 62) (ROSSMAN et al., 1999). The ascospores in the Belgian specimen are 12-14 × 5.5-6.5 μm.

97Protopannaria pezizoides (Weber) P. M. Jørg. & S. Ekman

98Syn.: Pannaria pezizoides (Weber) Trevis.

99Belgium, Mosan: N of Villers-sur-Lesse, near Château Royal (J6.13), mossy slope in ditch, 5.2001, P. & B. van den Boom 26501 (h, LG).

100The latest report of this species in the area of study dates back to 1947 from the Berdorf area in L Lorr. (SÉRUSIAUX, 1984: 85). It was believed to be extinct and its recent discovery in a ditch by a road indicates it may still be present in other localities.

101Protoparmelia hypotremella van Herk, Spier & Wirth

102Belgium, Ard.: Nassogne, SW side of Bosteubois (J6.27), edge of mixed forest, on Quercus, 4.2001, P. & B. van den Boom 26462 (h, LG).

103This sterile corticolous species was formerly known from a single locality in the area of study (Mosan district) (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 149) and is obviously overlooked.

104Punctelia borreri (Sm.) Krog

105Belgium, Mar.: De Panne, Westhoek, sentier le long de la frontière française (C0.56), sur Crataegus, 6.2001, P. Diederich 14669 (h); De Haan, nature reserve ‘Zandpanne’ (B1.57), on Salix alba near wet dune vegetation, 1.2002, O. Heylen HW/02/35 (h). – Camp.: Hulsen (Balen), river valley Grote Nete (C6.43), in wet Salix forest, 11.2001, O. Heylen HW/L01/556 (h); Hulshout, river valley Grote Nete (D5.15), on Populus ×canadensis, 10.1999, O. Heylen HW/L99/550 (h); Schilde, on a tree along av. Molenstraat near the centre of Schilde (C5.11), on cf. Robinia, 2.2002, H. Stappaerts (hb Heylen HW/L02/65). – Mosan: Erquelinnes (H4.21), on Malus, s. d. [before 1937], A. Gravis s. n. (LG); Charneux (commune de Harsin), bord de la route Marche-Arlon (J6.17), tronc de Fraxinus, 9.1962, J. Lambinon 62/1507 (LG); Rochefort, SE of village, near entrance of caves (J6.25), on Tilia along parking-lot, 4.2001, P. & B. van den Boom 26391(h); Macon, le long de la route vers Chimay (J4.53), sur Ulmus ×hollandica, 8.1962, J. Duvigneaud 62/523 (LG, with Normandina pulchella). – Lorr.: Torgny, on Populus in plantation along river Chiers (M7.42), 7.1997, L. B. Sparrius 236 (h).

106Luxembourg, Lorr.: Remerschen, gravières (M9.52), sur Salix, 5.1998, P. Diederich 13600 (h); Lorentzweiler, Roude Bam (L8.46), sur Juglans, dans un verger, 10.2000, P. Diederich 14417 (h); Lasauvage (M7.48), on wayside Acer, 9.1999, L. B. Sparrius 3380 (h).

107France, Pic.: Somme, vallée de l’Authie, ancienne abbaye de Valloires, jardin de Valloires (G22.58), sur Acer dans un arboretum, 7.2001, obs. P. Diederich (no specimen).

108Species of the Parmelia subrudecta aggregate in Western Europe have recently been studied in great detail (VAN HERK & APTROOT, 2000). Three species are present in the area of study, viz. the widespread and common P. subrudecta (Nyl.) Krog and P. ulophylla (Ach.) van Herk & Aptroot, and the much rarer P. borreri (Sm.) Krog. The specimens mentioned above represent the total of specimens that clearly belong to the latter. It is interesting to note that all three species are represented in the Belgian material studied by TARGÉ & LAMBINON (1965) and mentioned under Parmelia borreri (Sm.) Turner chemovar. pseudoborreri (Asahina) Lambinon & Targé.

109Ramonia interjecta Coppins

110Belgium, Mosan: Lustin (G5.57), W slope along small road, on Sambucus, 4.2001, P. & B. van den Boom 26412 (h, LG).

111The Netherlands: Noord-Brabant, Budel, Grote Heide, on Sambucus, 9.2001, P. van den Boom 27958 (h) & M. Brand.

112Species of the genus Ramonia have never been reported from the study area. Their apothecia are immersed in the bark and thus easily overlooked.

113Rhizocarpon plicatile (Leight.) A. L. Sm.

114This species was mentioned from a single collection from B Ard. (SÉRUSIAUX et al., 1999: 74) but this epithet applies to a crustose species of Stereocaulon (FRYDAY & COPPINS, 1996). Re-examination of the specimen (Chiny, 5.1986, E. Sérusiaux 7873, LG) following the key by FRYDAY (1996) shows that it actually belongs to the norstictic acid containing strain of R. reductum Th. Fr., a species already known in the study area (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 154). Rhizocarpon plicatile should thus be removed from the checklist.

115Rimularia insularis (Nyl.) Rambold & Hertel

116France, Mosan: Ardennes, Rancennes, rochers d’Aviette (J5.35), rochers schisteux ± calcareux et ensoleillés, 4.1982, P. Malaise & E. Sérusiaux 2737 (LG).

117This collection has been waiting for a long time to be named. Indeed, the description provided by The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland (PURVIS et al., 1992: 330) is misleading as it indicates that this species is lichenicolous on Lecanora rupicola and has a thallus which is C-. Our specimen is clearly an autonomous lichen and reacts C+ red due to the production of gyrophoric acid. B. J. Coppins (pers. comm.) has confirmed its identity. Rimularia insularis is new for the area of study. The species was recently reported from the Eifel in Germany (WIRTH & HEIBEL, 1998).

118*Roselliniella atlantica Matzer & Hafellner

119Luxembourg, Ard.: Bourscheid, along road to Ettelbruck, near Michelau (K8.45), W exposed schistose outcrops along road, on Neofuscelia pulla, 10.2002, P. & B. van den Boom 29887 (h).

120This species was described from the British Isles, France and Sweden on Neofuscelia and Xanthoparmelia species (Matzer & Hafellner, 1990). It has also been reported from Papua New Guinea on Hypotrachyna and Parmotrema (Aptroot et al., 1997), from the Canary Islands on Platismatia (Etayo, 1996), from Spain on Neofuscelia (Calatayud et al., 1995), and from N America (Florida) on Parmotrema (Etayo & Breuss, 1998). It is new for the study area.

121Sarcosagium campestre (Fr.) Poetsch & Schied. var. macrosporum Coppins & P. James

122Belgique, Mosan: Vedrin (au N de Namur), cimetière de Vedrin (G5.26), sur des mousses dans un pot de fleur ensoleillé dans un cimetière, 11.2002, D. Ertz 2731 (BR); Plombières, parc de l’ancien site minier, on soil in Armeria-heathland (E8.52), 4.2001, L. B. Sparrius 4680 (h).

123This taxon was formerly known from a single locality in L Lorr. (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 158) and from the British Isles, and is thus new for Belgium.

124*Sphaerellothecium cladoniicola E. S. Hansen & Alstrup

125Luxembourg, Lorr.: NE of Differdange, near Rodange, reserve Prënzebierg (M8.31), abandoned old quarry with Betula and Salix trees, on Cladonia fimbriata, 10.2002, P. & B. van den Boom 29846 (hb Diederich).

126In the study area, this species was known only from a single 1888 specimen from B Brab. (SÉRUSIAUX et al., 1999). The additional specimen reported here is quite reduced, but shows that the species still exists in this area, and that it is most likely to be overlooked.

127Sticta fuliginosa (Dicks.) Ach.

128Belgium, Ard.: near Herbeumont (L6.26), on Acer, 3.2003, D. Ertz 3052 (BR).

129This macrolichen was known from a single recent locality in the Lorr. district and was considered to have disappeared from the Ard. district since 1928.

130We recently revisited the Lorr. locality and found a relatively healthy population of over 40 thalli on four trees. In the Ard. locality, more than 100 thalli grow on a single Acer tree of 45 cm in diam. In both localities, the species grows in well-preserved old forests with important populations of Lobaria pulmonaria. These trees are mainly Acer pseudoplatanus and A. platanoides, and more rarely Quercus sp.; only one thallus of L. pulmonaria was observed on Fagus sylvatica.

131As it has been already stated for Lobarina scrobiculata (see above), a special conservation program is urgently needed for epiphytic species of the Lobarion complex in S Belgium and more generally for species requiring old-growth forests.

132*Stigmidium aggregatum (Mudd) D. Hawksw.

133Syn.: Stigmidium eucline (Nyl.) Vĕzda; Mycoporum eucline Nyl.; ?Pharcidia microspila var. pertusariae B. de Lesd.

134Luxembourg, Ard.: Heinerscheid, Kasselslay (J8.45), sur un rocher en schistes, sur Pertusaria lactea, 11.1983, P. Diederich 5035B (h).

135France: Pyrénées-Orientales, flanc E du Canigou, forêt de Valmanya, chemin vers Pinateil, 1450 m, sur P. lactea, 7.1990, E. Sérusiaux 10923 (LG, hb Diederich).

136Germany: Baden-Württemberg, Südschwarzwald, Simonswald, Dürrstein am Ibichkopf (MTB 7814/4), 1050-1070 m, on P. lactea, 5.1997, V. Wirth 30170 (STU-Wirth).

137Hungary: ad saxa granitica circa Thermas Herculis in Banatu, on P. lactea, 1874, H. Lojka (NY ex hb Leighton – isotype of Mycoporum eucline !).

138Slovakia: Carpati, Tatra Magna, in alpe Hlúpý, 1950 m, on P. lactea, 6.1964, A. Vĕzda (MSC 77252).

139Spain: Navarra, W Pamplona, Sierra de Urbasa, Pto de Urbasa, on Fagus, on P. pertusa, 7.1991, P. Diederich 9650 (h); Cuenca, Talayuelas, Pico Ranera (UTM 30SXK4408), 1400 m, on P. pertusa, 7.1992, V. Calatayud (VAB-Lich, hb Diederich).

140Switzerland: Kanton Luzern, Oberwalden, Alpnach, Mittagsgüpfi, Grat SW des Gipfels, 1825-1860 m, auf P. lactea, 9.1997, V. Wirth 30766 (STU-Wirth).

141Stigmidium aggregatum was originally described from Aspicilia calcarea in Great Britain. However, HAWKSWORTH (1983) states that the species grows on Pertusaria lactea, without indicating if he had examined the type collection, and SANTESSON (1993) followed this option. We examined a type specimen of Mycoporum eucline, originally described from Hungary on Pertusaria velata, and found that the host is also P. lactea. Both taxa are obviously synonyms. A further taxon, Pharcidia microspila var. pertusariae, was described from S France on Pertusaria pertusa, but the type is most probably lost. As we have seen two typical Spanish specimens of S. aggregatum growing on P. pertusa (incl. P. rupestris), this supports the idea that P. m. var. pertusariae is a further synonym of S. aggregatum.

142The species does not belong to Stigmidium, as the hamathecium is composed of 1.5-2.5 μm thick, anastomosed, septate pseudoparaphyses, and the ascospores become brownish when overmature (observed in the isotype collection of Mycoporum eucline). The ascospores are 1-septate, smooth, hyaline except when old, without a distinct perispore, 11.5-18 × 5-5.5 μm. The centrum is KI-, but the epiplasm turns deep orange in KI. The asci are elongate, thick-walled, with a distinct ocular chamber. Further studies are needed to determine the accurate systematic position of this fungus.

143Stigmidium aggregatum was known from Austria, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Slovakia and Sweden (HAWKSWORTH, 1983; SANTESSON, 1993; TRETIACH & HAFELLNER, 2000; WITTMANN & TÜRK, 1994), and is here newly reported from France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain and Switzerland.

144*Stigmidium mycobilimbiae Cl. Roux, Triebel & Etayo

145Luxembourg, Lorr.: NE of Differdange, Tëtelbierg, near Rodange, reserve Prënzebierg (M8.31), on Myxobilimbia sabuletorum, 10.2002, P. & B. van den Boom 29818 (h); SSW Bascharage, près du Moulin de Bascharage (M8.31), sur un mur en grès, sur M. sabuletorum, 8.1987, P. Diederich 8331 (h); W of Kayl, Monument des mineurs (M8.53), on M. sabuletorum, 10.2002, P. & B. van den Boom 29882 (h).

146Netherlands: Limburg, Bemelen, ‘t Rooth, voormalige mergelgroeve met geëxponeerde en beschaduwde blokken tufkrijt (km.blok 62-21-43, 182/316), on M. sabuletorum, 5.1998, P. Diederich 13684 (h).

147A minuscule, and probably overlooked lichenicolous ascomycete, apparently confined to the genus Myxobilimbia. New for the study area.

148*Stigmidium peltideae (Vain.) R. Sant.

149Luxembourg, Lorr.: Pétange, Prënzebierg (M8.31), abandoned old quarry with Betula and Salix trees, on Peltigera hymenina, 10.2002, P. & B. van den Boom 29843 (h); ibid., on P. neckeri, 5.2003, P. Diederich 15619 (h).

150This species was reported from L Ard. by DIEDERICH et al. (1991), but SÉRUSIAUX et al. (1999) showed that the corresponding specimen belongs to Stigmidium pseudopeltideae Cl. Roux & Triebel. That latter name was published as a nomen nudum by ROUX & TRIEBEL (1994), and has recently been validated (DIEDERICH, 2003).

151In our recent collections, the perithecia are very small (30-40 μm in Diederich 15619, 30-60 μm in van den Boom 29843, compared to 50-70 μm in ROUX & TRIEBEL, 1994), and the ascospores are also smaller (7-10 × 2.5-3 μm; compared to (8.5-)9-11.5(-12) × (2.5-)3-3.5(-4.5) μm in ROUX & TRIEBEL, 1994). Nevertheless we consider that they belong to Stigmidium peltideae, and that the variability of this species is larger than given by ROUX & TRIEBEL (1994). S. peltideae is reported here as new for the study area.

152*Taeniolella beschiana Diederich

153Belgium, Camp.: ENE of Zonhoven, nature reserve ‘De Teut’ (D6.38), terricolous in heathland, on basal squamules of Cladonia chlorophaea, 11.2001, P. Diederich 15020 (h).

154This lichenicolous hyphomycete, originally described from Luxembourg (DIEDERICH, 1992), is here newly recorded for Belgium.

155*Tremella caloplacae (Zahlbr.) Diederich comb. nov.

156Bas.: Lindauopsis caloplacae Zahlbr., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 24: 145 (1906).

157Type: Crete, ‘an Kalkfelsen bei Kristallenia’, 1904, R. Sturany (W 11196, lichenicolous fungus in apothecia of Caloplaca: lectotype, here designated).

158France: Vaucluse, à 2 km au S de Gordes, col de Gordes, sur un mur, sur Caloplaca, 4.1995, P. Diederich 12328 (h).

159Spain: Castilla-La Mancha, prov. Toledo, cerca de Los Yébenes, on C. carphinea, 7.2000, V. Calatayud 111 (h, hb Diederich).

160In his revision of lichenicolous heterobasidiomycetes, DIEDERICH (1996) described and illustrated a species growing in the hymenium of Caloplaca in Austria and Great Britain, but left it provisionally unnamed (as ‘Tremella sp. 1’), as almost no differences could be detected with Tremella rinodinae, an intrahymenial parasite of Rinodina gennarii. In the mean time, the species has twice been mentioned from our study area (NAVARRO-ROSINÉS & HLADUN, 1996; SPARRIUS et al., 2002) in F Mar. We have seen additional specimens from France and Spain (see above mentioned collections).

161We found an old name for this species, Lindauopsis caloplacae Zahlbr., described from Crete, and we take the opportunity here to combine it in Tremella. The new genus and species were described by ZAHLBRUCKNER (1906) as a hyphomycete with large, 1-septate conidia. However, the ‘conidia’ depicted by ZAHLBRUCKNER (1906) in figs 3-4 are nothing else than tremelloid basidia with one transverse septum. The subspherical cells attached to the hyphae of the fungus, as depicted in ZAHLBRUCKNER (1906: fig. 2) are tremelloid haustoria, on which the haustorial filament is not represented. The detailed description and drawings provided by ZAHLBRUCKNER (1906) and re-examination of the type specimen leave no doubt that Lindauopsis caloplacae represents ‘Tremella sp. 1’ (sensu DIEDERICH, 1996).

162Lindauopsis caloplacae was studied in great detail by RIEDL (1976). The author concluded that it does not represent a lichenicolous fungus, “but structures of a hymenial layer degenerated through the competition with an over-growing thallus of a different lichen species. Paraphyses tend to form spore-like ends, while asci are much narrowed and produce only 1 or 2 spores, becoming paraphysis-like in the parts not containing spores”. This erroneous conclusion is not astonishing if we consider that the whole of the lichenicolous heterobasidiomycetes were wrongly interpreted by lichenologists over more than 250 years, as exemplified by Biatoropsis usnearum (DIEDERICH & CHRISTIANSEN, 1994). HAWKSWORTH (1979) claims that his “examination of the lectotype specimen confirms Riedl’s interpretation of this name”.

163The typification of the name L. caloplacae is more problematic. We received two specimens on loan from W, both designated as types of this species. One annotated “Lindauopsis Caloplacae A. Zahlbr. Parasitisch im Hymenium der Caloplaca (Gasparrinia) callopisma Th. Fr. Kreta: an Kalkfelsen bei Kristallenia, 1904, leg. R. Sturany, spec. orig.!; Acqu. 1906 N° 11196” obviously represents the type specimen studied by Zahlbruckner, as the apothecia are heavily attacked by the Tremella. A second specimen is annotated “Caloplaca (Gasparrinia) callopisma Th. Fr., Kristallenia in der Hochebene Lasithiotika, Ost Kreta, Kalk, Juni 1904, leg. Sturany; 729”; the Caloplaca apothecia appear to be healthy and are not visibly parasitized. ZAHLBRUCKNER (1906) wrote that Dr R. Sturany collected Lindauopsis caloplacae ‘auf Kalkfelsen bei Kristallenia in Ostkreta’ on Caloplaca callopisma, and that the apothecia were ‘stark deformiert’, which perfectly fits specimen 11196. RIEDL (1976) regretted that the type specimen was not annotated with the name of the fungus, nor integrated in the fungal herbarium in W, but instead was found under the name Caloplaca callopisma within the lichen herbarium. This strongly suggests that Riedl did not see the genuine type specimen, but instead another specimen of the host species collected by Sturany in Crete, that appeared to be infected by the Tremella as well. HAWKSWORTH (1979) cited the type specimen as ‘Crete, Paßhöhe Bebona bei Kavusi, in apothecia of Caloplaca aurantia, on limestone, 21 May 1904, R. Sturany (W 1906/755–lectotype!)’. This certainly does not represent any type material, as the locality is different from that published by ZAHLBRUCKNER (1906). It is not clear if HAWKSWORTH (1979) lectotypified the name on this specimen, or if he referred to an earlier lectotypification (possibly indicated on the label of the specimen). In any case, we have to follow the ICBN (art. 9.17) that requires that an earlier lectotypification is superseded (a) if the holotype is rediscovered, or (b) if one can show that it is in serious conflict with the protologue and another element is available that is not in conflict with the protologue, or (c) if the type specimen contains more than one species and the name was lectotypified on a part that does not correspond most nearly with the original description. As the three conditions of art. 9.17 are satisfied, we here re-lectotypify the name Lindauopsis caloplacae on the lichenicolous fungus present in the hymenium of Caloplaca in specimen 11196 (W).

164Tremella caloplacae is so far known from Algeria (ZAHLBRUCKNER, 1906), Austria, Crete, France, Great Britain and Spain on several Caloplaca species, including C. arenaria, C. arnoldii, C. aurantia, C. carphinea and C. saxicola. It is most probably much overlooked, as no visible basidiomata are present, but instead just swollen host apothecia that tend to become darker.

165*Tremella candelariellae Diederich & Etayo

166Belgium, Brab.: Geraardsbergen, Chappel Oudenberg (E3.45), on the wall of a church (calcareous stones, mortar, etc.), on Candelariella vitellina, 8.1999, P. Diederich 13915 (h) & M. Hoffmann.

167Luxembourg, Lorr.: Lorentzweiler, Roude Bam (L8.46), sur un toit en eternit, sur C. aurella, 6.1997, P. Diederich 12808 (h); SE of Lasauvage, Grand-Bois (M7.48), on roadside Acer, on C. xanthostigma, 9.1996, P. Diederich 12435 (h); ibid., on C. vitellina, 9.1996, P. Diederich 12436 (h).

168This lichenicolous basidiomycete was known from Luxembourg and Spain, on Candelariella vitellina and C. xanthostigma (DIEDERICH, 1996). We here report it as new for Belgium, and also on a new host, C. aurella. In specimens P. Diederich 12808 and 12435, we were able to demonstrate the presence of asteroconidia, previously not known from this species. Interestingly, in Lasauvage, the species was present on Candelariella vitellina and C. xanthostigma, but absent on C. reflexa.

169*Trichonectria anisospora (Lowen) van den Boom & Diederich comb nov.

170Bas.: Nectriella anisospora Lowen, Mem. New York Bot. Garden 49: 248 (1989); Pronectria anisospora (Lowen) Lowen, Mycotaxon 39: 461 (1990).

171Belgium, Ard.: SE of Eupen, Hertogenwald, N side along road to Monschau, nature reserve, path from Brackvenn to Nahtsief (F8.56), on Hypogymnia physodes, 9.2001, B. & P. van den Boom 27965 (h, hb Diederich).

172The genus Pronectria (syn. Nectriella) includes 27 lichenicolous species (LAWREY & DIEDERICH, 2003), all with more or less immersed perithecia. One of them, Pronectria anisospora is distinguished from all other species of the genus by setose perithecia (LOWEN, 1989). Our recent discovery of a fully mature population in Belgium allowed us to recognize that perithecia are initially entirely immersed and non-setose, become erumpent, with the development of setae on the exposed parts around the ostiole, and finally become superficial. The setae are hyaline, aseptate, smooth, straight, solitary and thick-walled (LOWEN, 1989). The mature, superficial perithecia fully agree with the current circumscription of the genus Trichonectria (see ROSSMAN et al., 1999), and the new combination in that genus is here proposed. Trichonectria anisospora appears to be confined to a single host species, Hypogymnia physodes. It is so far known from Austria (HAFELLNER, 1996), Belgium, the British Isles (HAWKSWORTH, 1990; hb Diederich), France, Spain (ETAYO, 1998) and the USA (LOWEN, 1989). It is new for the study area.

173Trichonectria anisospora is the seventh known lichenicolous species of the genus, the other being T. hirta (Bloxam) Petch (generic type) (ROSSMAN et al., 1999), T. rubefaciens (Ellis & Everh.) Diederich & Schroers (SÉRUSIAUX et al., 1999), T. leptogiicola Etayo (ETAYO, 2001), T. hypotrachynae Etayo, T. setadpressa Etayo and T. usneicola Etayo (ETAYO, 2002). In a recent paper on American lichenicolous fungi, COLE & HAWKSWORTH (2001) combined T. rubefaciens (as ‘rubifaciens’) in Nectriopsis, on the basis of the absence of thick-walled setae in the specimen examined by them. The authors didn’t say if they observed thin-walled setae, or if setae were absent. Examination of the holotype of T. rubefaciens (in NY) by Dr G. Samuels (pers. comm.), and comparison with Luxembourg material of the same species (P. Diederich 8910), proved that ascomatal setae in this species are definitely thick-walled (Fig. 1). This suggests that the specimen examined by COLE & HAWKSWORTH (2001) is in a poor condition, or belongs to a different species. We are aware that the generic limits between Trichonectria and Nectriopsis are far from being clear, and also that the ascospores and anamorph of most Trichonectria species are different from those of the type species, T. hirta, but for the moment, we believe that it is best to include both T. anisospora and T. rubefaciens within the genus Trichonectria.

174*Unguiculariopsis thallophila (P. Karst.) W. Y. Zhuang

175Luxembourg, Ard.: S of Beiler (J8.15), on Lecanora chlarotera, on Populus, 8.1986, P. Diederich 7297 (h).

176France, Pic.: Pas-de-Calais, à 5 km au SSE de Montreuil, route d’Ecuires vers Bloville, à 500 m avant Bloville (G22.38), sur Acer, le long d’une route, sur L. chlarotera, 7.2002, P. Diederich 15453 (h).

177Lichenicolous ascomycete new for the study area.

To cite this article

Emmanuël SÉRUSIAUX, Paul DIEDERICH, Damien ERTZ & Pieter VAN DEN BOOM, «NEW OR INTERESTING LICHENS AND LICHENICOLOUS FUNGI FROM BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG AND NORTHERN FRANCE. IX (suite 1)», Lejeunia, Revue de Botanique [En ligne], N°173 (août 2003), URL : https://popups.uliege.be/0457-4184/index.php?id=1590.

About: Emmanuël SÉRUSIAUX

Life sciences Dept., University of Liège, Sart Tilman B22, B-4000 Liège, Belgium (E.Serusiaux@ulg.ac.be).


Musée national d’histoire naturelle, 25 rue Munster, L-2160 Luxembourg, Luxembourg (paul.diederich@education.lu).

About: Damien ERTZ

National Botanical Garden, Domaine de Bouchout, B-1860 Meise, Belgium (damien.ertz@br.fgov.be).

About: Pieter VAN DEN BOOM

Arafura 16, NL-5691 Son, the Netherlands (pvdboom@zonnet.nl).