Geologica Belgica Geologica Belgica -  volume 9 (2006)  number 1-2 - Chronostratigraphic units named from Belgium 



Department of Historical Geology, KULeuven, Redingenstraat 16, 3000 Leuven. E-mail:


Department of Historical Geology, KULeuven, Redingenstraat 16, 3000 Leuven. E-mail:


Abstract. The Oligocene successions of the southern North Sea Basin are internationally important as they constitute the classic Rupelian (Lower Oligocene) and Chattian (Upper Oligocene) stratotype sections. The Rupelian stratotype, i.e. the stiff clays outcropping along the Rupel River in NW Belgium, has been the topic of many (micro)paleontological, sedimentological, stratigraphical and geochemical studies. Here we present a state of the art overview on the research carried out on the Rupelian unit-stratotype and contribute on new insights concerning the Rupelian-Chattian boundary.

To cite this article

Stefaan VAN SIMAEYS & Noël VANDENBERGHE, «RUPELIAN», Geologica Belgica [En ligne], volume 9 (2006), number 1-2 - Chronostratigraphic units named from Belgium, 95-101 URL :