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- volume 16 (2013)
- number 4 - Dispersal of continental vertebrates during the Paleogene
number 4 - Dispersal of continental vertebrates during the Paleogene
Thierry SMITH & Gregg F. Gunnell
Dispersal of continental vertebrates during the Paleogene: PrefaceXavier DEVLEESCHOUWER, Vanessa M.A. HEYVAERT, Stephen LOUWYE, Kris PIESSENS & Thierry SMITH
Moving plates and melting icecaps – Processes and forcing factors in geology, 4th international Geologica Belgica meeting, September 11-14, 2012Gregg F. Gunnell
Biogeography and the legacy of Alfred Russel WallaceHugo MARTÍN-ABAD & Francisco José POYATO-ARIZA
Historical patterns of distribution in Pycnodontiform and Amiiform fishes in the context of moving platesAnnelise FOLIE, Richard SMITH & Thierry SMITH
New amphisbaenian lizards from the Early Paleogene of Europe and their implications for the early evolution of modern amphisbaeniansEric DE BAST, Etienne STEURBAUT & Thierry SMITH
New mammals from the marine Selandian of Maret, Belgium, and their implications for the age of the Paleocene continental deposits of Walbeck, GermanyPieter MISSIAEN, Floréal SOLÉ, Eric DE BAST, Jian YANG, Cheng-Sen LI & Thierry SMITH
A new species of Archaeoryctes from the Middle Paleocene of China and the phylogenetic diversification of DidymoconidaeFloréal SOLÉ & Thierry SMITH
Dispersals of placental carnivorous mammals (Carnivoramorpha, Oxyaenodonta & Hyaenodonta) near the Paleocene-Eocene boundary: a climatic and almost worldwide storyPieter MISSIAEN, Florence QUESNEL, Christian DUPUIS, Jean-Yves STORME & Thierry SMITH
The earliest Eocene mammal fauna of the Erquelinnes Sand Member near the French-Belgian border.Tiphaine COILLOT, Richard SMITH, Paul GIGASE & Thierry SMITH
Tarsal diversity in the earliest Eocene mammal fauna of Dormaal, BelgiumEllen R. MILLER & Gregg F. Gunnell
Toward an ecophyletic origin of anthropoid primatesRajendra S. Rana, Marc AUGé, Annelise FOLIE, Kenneth D. Rose, Kishor Kumar, Lachham Singh, Ashok Sahni & Thierry SMITH
High diversity of acrodontan lizards in the Early Eocene Vastan Lignite Mine of IndiaThierry SMITH & Richard SMITH
A land micro-mammal fauna from the Early Eocene marine Egem deposits (NP12, Belgium) and the first occurrence of the peradectid marsupial Armintodelphys outside North AmericaAdán PÉREZ-GARCÍA, Xabier MURELAGA, Jesús CARDIEL LALUEZA, Ainara BADIOLA & Ester DÍAZ-BERENGUER
Presence of several clades of continental turtles in the Lutetian (Middle Eocene) of the Sobrarbe Formation (Ainsa Basin, South-Central Pyrenees, Northeast Spain)