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- volume 2 (1999)
- number 1-2 - Quaternary geology of Belgium: new pe...
- The sequence of Remicourt (Hesbaye, Belgium): new insights on the pedo- and chronostratigraphy of the Rocourt soil
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The sequence of Remicourt (Hesbaye, Belgium): new insights on the pedo- and chronostratigraphy of the Rocourt soil

For more than 40 years the Rocourt Soil has stood out as an important pedo-stratigraphic marker in Belgium and north-western Europe. Since the seventies the complexity of this Soil was well illustrated, though its pedological and stratigraphic evolution remained doubtful. Macro-, meso- and micromorphological data gathered along long variable sections in Remicourt finally provided the 'missing link' between the Hesbaye sections and the Haine Basin. Soil characteristics allowed to match the Rocourt Soil with three major soil forming processes belonging to the Eemian and the first half of Saint Germain I (18O-stages 5e and 5c). The overlying humiferous sediments and soils, which also incorporate the Rocourt Tephra, are linked with the second half of Saint-Germain I (18O-stage 5c). The loess, stratified sediments and soil covering the humiferous layer are the equivalent of E.B.I, E.B.2 and Malplaquet Soil in Harmignies and belong to Melisey II and Saint Germain II (18O-stage 5b and 5a).