Geologica Belgica

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(volume 5 (2002) — number 1-2)
Open Access

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Mots-clés : lithostratigraphy, KEYWORDS: Quaternary, lithoprofile type, cartography, Flemish Valley.


ABSTRACT. Quarternary mapping in Flanders. During the period 1993-1999 the quaternary deposits have been mapped on the sheets ( 1:50.000) Bruges, Lokeren, Tielt and Ghent (NW Belgium) using mainly borehole descriptions from several archives. The paper describes the fundamental mapping unit, the interpretation procedures and the elabo­ration of the legend and it presents an informal regional lithostratigraphical column (Tab. 1). The lithostratigraphical maps show the vertical succession of the different lithotypes. A lithotype is a geological unit characterised by its specific lithology, its sedimentgenesis and its climatic-stratigraphical position. Each lithotype is represented by a letter symbol (Fig.4) and each specific succession (lithoprofile type) by a code composed of the succession of the lithotype symbols (Fig.3). The lithoprofile map has a double legend. The analytical version provides the lithoprofile type codes (Fig.5). Its legend is simple and easy to memorise. It allows an easy digitalisation. Thickness of the units is shown on additional thematic maps. The synthetic version shows a specific color for each of the lithoprofile types (Fig.7). Read­ing those maps demands a continuous return to the legend. That mode of representation however allows to oversee at once the spatial distribution of any lithoprofile type. It also allows to underline certain priorities or classification modes of lithoprofile types. Both versions of the lithoprofile type map are easily transformed into a lithostratigraphical profiletype map by adaptation of the legend. That application however demands the definition of formal quaternary-lithostratigraphical units. Maps and comments may be consulted on the website of the Minis­try of the Flemish Community.

Om dit artikel te citeren:

Guy De MOOR, «BIJDRAGE TOT DE QUARTAIRGEOLOGISCHE KARTERING IN VLAANDEREN», Geologica Belgica [En ligne], volume 5 (2002), number 1-2, 37-50 URL :

Over : Guy De MOOR

Boesbeeklaan 5, B-9051 Gent