Geologica Belgica Geologica Belgica -  volume 3 (2000)  number 3-4 - Volume dédié à Jos BOUCKAERT Herdenkingsnummer 

The stratigraphic position of a Pliocene tidal clay deposit at Grobbendonk (Antwerp Province, Belgium)

Historische Geologie, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Jacques HERMAN
Belgische Geologische Dienst, Brussel, Belgium
Pieter LAGA
Belgische Geologische Dienst, Brussel, Belgium
Stephen LOUWYE
Onderzoekseenheid Paleontologie, U.Gent, Belgium
Onderzoekseenheid Paleontologie, U.Gent, Belgium
Aardwetenschappen, V.U.Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Aardwetenschappen, V.U.Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Aardwetenschappen, V.U.Amsterdam, The Netherlands


In a section located in Grobbendonk (Antwerp Campine area, Belgium) a tidal clay deposit is described which according to regional analysis could correlate with the Kruisschans Member of the Pliocene Lillo Formation. Mollusc and fish fossils point to a colder climate during the deposition of the Kruisschans Sand. A pollen analysis of the Grobbendonk clay shows that it was formed during a cold climate, either during the Pretiglian or during the Pliocene. The latter possibility is preferred because of the regional stratigraphic analysis and the absence of marine Pretiglian in the area. A dinoflagellate study of the Grobbendonk clay compares the stratigraphic position of the clay to the Waltonian, Pre-Ludhamian, Ludhamian regional stages of the U.K. Because of the cold climate during the deposition a Pre-Ludhamian formation time is preferred. This Pre-Ludhamian in the U.K. is correlated with the Reuver C or with the Praetiglian regional stages in the Netherlands.

Keywords : Pliocene, Belgium, stratigraphy, pollen, dinoflagellates

To cite this article

Noël VANDENBERGHE, Jacques HERMAN, Pieter LAGA, Stephen LOUWYE, Stijn DE SCHEPPER, Jef VANDENBERGHE, Sjoerd BOHNCKE & Martin KONERT, «The stratigraphic position of a Pliocene tidal clay deposit at Grobbendonk (Antwerp Province, Belgium)», Geologica Belgica [En ligne], volume 3 (2000), number 3-4 - Volume dédié à Jos BOUCKAERT Herdenkingsnummer, 405-417 URL :