Geologica Belgica

1374-8505 2034-1954


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Michiel DUSAR & David LAGROU

Lithofacies and paleogeographic distribution of the latest Cretaceous deposits exposed in the Hinnisdael underground quarries in Vechmaal (commune Heers, Belgian Limbourg)

(volume 10 (2007) — number 3-4 - 2nd Belgian Geological Congress, Liège, 7-8 September 2006)
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To cite this article

Michiel DUSAR & David LAGROU, «Lithofacies and paleogeographic distribution of the latest Cretaceous deposits exposed in the Hinnisdael underground quarries in Vechmaal (commune Heers, Belgian Limbourg)», Geologica Belgica [En ligne], volume 10 (2007), number 3-4 - 2nd Belgian Geological Congress, Liège, 7-8 September 2006, 176-181 URL :

About: David LAGROU

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Geological Survey of Belgium, Jennerstraat 13, BE-1000 Brussels, Belgium. E-mail: