punctata Event
- Maciej G. ŚLIWIŃSKI, Michael T. WHALEN & Jed DAY
- Trace element variations in the Middle Frasnian punctata zone (Late Devonian) in the Western Canada sedimentary basin – changes in oceanic bioproductivity and paleoredox spurred by a pulse of terrestrial afforestation?
- volume 13 (2010)number 4 - Magnetic susceptibility, correlations and Palaeozoic environments
- Anne-Christine DA SILVA, Johan YANS & Frédéric BOULVAIN
- Early-Middle Frasnian (early Late Devonian) sedimentology and magnetic susceptibility of the Ardennes area (Belgium): identification of severe and rapid sea-level fluctuations
- volume 13 (2010)number 4 - Magnetic susceptibility, correlations and Palaeozoic environments
>> Index de mots-clés