- Portada
- volume 16 (2013)
- number 1-2
number 1-2
Mwabanwa Louis KIPATA, Damien DELVAUX, Mwene Ntabwoba SEBAGENZI, Jacques CAILTEUX & Manuel SINTUBIN
Brittle tectonic and stress field evolution in the Pan-African Lufilian arc and its foreland (Katanga, DRC): from orogenic compression to extensional collapse, transpressional inversion and transition to rifting.Claire DERYCKE & Gaël CLEMENT
First assemblage of Acanthodian scales and spines from the Famennian (Upper Devonian) of Durnal (Belgium), palaeobiogeographical and palaeoenvironmental implicationsVeerle CNUDDE, Jan Dewanckele, Tim De Kock, Marijn BOONE, Jean-Marc BAELE, Philippe Crombé & Erick Robinson
Preliminary structural and chemical study of two quartzite varieties from the same geological formation: a first step in the sourcing of quartzites utilized during the Mesolithic in northwest EuropeBernard MAMET & Alain PREAT
Essai de description d’algues nouvelles paléozoïquesAlain HERBOSCH & Jacques VERNIERS
Stratigraphy of the Lower Palaeozoic of the Brabant Massif, Belgium.Part I: The Cambro-Ordovician from the Halle and Ottignies groups.Stijn DEWAELE, Herman GOETHALS & Tom THYS
Mineralogical characterization of cassiterite concentrates from quartz vein and pegmatite mineralization of the Karagwe-Ankole and Kibara Belts, Central AfricaDavid DEBRUYNE, Lieve BALCAEN, Frank VANHAECKE & Philippe MUCHEZ
Rare earth element and yttrium characteristics of carbonates within the sediment-hosted Luiswishi and Kamoto Cu-Co deposits, Katanga Copperbelt (Democratic Republic of Congo ‒ DRC).Kenneth T. HIGGS, Cyrille PRESTIANNI, Maurice STREEL & Jacques THOREZ
High resolution miospore stratigraphy of the Upper Famennian of eastern Belgium, and correlation with the conodont zonation.Sander VAN LANGENDONCK, Philippe MUCHEZ, Stijn DEWAELE, Alphonse KAPUTO KALUBI & Jacques CAILTEUX
Petrographic and mineralogical study of the sediment-hosted Cu-Co ore deposit at Kambove West in the central part of the Katanga Copperbelt (DRC)Niels HULSBOSCH, Jan HERTOGEN, Stijn DEWAELE, Luc ANDRE & Philippe MUCHEZ
Petrographic and mineralogical characterisation of fractionated pegmatites culminating in the Nb-Ta-Sn pegmatites of the Gatumba area (western Rwanda)Pieter R. Gurdebeke & Bert Van Bocxlaer
JONGERENDAG - JOURNEE DES JEUNES – 2012 - Conchological differentiation in an ongoing radiation of Lanistes gastropods from ancient Lake Malawi: how adaptive is shell morphology?