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- Volume 19 (2016)
- number 3-4
number 3-4
(pp. 201-306)
Philip L. GIBBARD & John LEWIN
Filling the North Sea Basin: Cenozoic sediment sources and river styles (André Dumont medallist lecture 2014)Philippe MUCHEZ & Mercé CORBELLA
Reactive transport modelling of ore mineral zoning and the paragenesis of copper sulfides in sediment-hosted stratiform ore deposits, the Katanga Copperbelt (DRC)Wim VANDEWIJNGAERDE, Kris PIESSENS, Michiel DUSAR, Pieter BERTIER, Bernhard M. KROOSS, Ralf LITTKE & Rudy SWENNEN
Investigations on the shale oil and gas potential of Westphalian mudstone successions in the Campine Basin, NE Belgium (well KB174): Palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical controlsKris WELKENHUYSEN, Anna-Katharina BRÜSTLE, Magdalena BOTTIG, Andrea RAMÍREZ, Rudy SWENNEN & Kris PIESSENS
A techno-economic approach for capacity assessment and ranking of potential options for geological storage of CO2 in AustriaAllart P. VAN VIERSEN & Dieter HOLLAND
Morphological trends and new species of Cyphaspis (Trilobita, Otarioninae) in the Devonian of Morocco, Turkey, Germany and BelgiumEtienne STEURBAUT, Jan DE CONINCK & Stefaan VAN SIMAEYS
Micropalaeontological dating of the Prémontré mammal fauna (MP10, Prémontré Sands, EECO, early late Ypresian, Paris Basin)Simon DELVOIE, Frédéric BOULVAIN, Robert CHARLIER & Frédéric COLLIN
Detailed characterization of the Late Pleistocene loess sequence stratigraphy of Remicourt (Hesbaye region, Belgium) with cone penetration testsLouis TAVERNE
Chanopsis lombardi (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) from the continental Lower Cretaceous of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Comments on the evolution of the caudal skeleton within osteoglossiform fishes
Abstracts of presentations given at the ‘Master Day’ meeting, Brussels
Book reviews