- Jean-Pierre NICOLLIN & Denise BRICE
- Systematics, biostratigraphy and biogeography of four Famennian spiriferid brachiopods from Morocco
- volume 3 (2000)number 3-4 - Volume dédié à Jos BOUCKAERT Herdenkingsnummer
- Julien DENAYER, Markus ARETZ, Edouard POTY & Bernard MOTTEQUIN
- Royseux: a palaeobiodiversity hotspot in the Late Viséan (Carboniferous) of Belgium
- Volume 19 (2016)number 1-2 - Devonian and Carboniferous research: homage to Professor Edouard Poty
- Bernard MOTTEQUIN & Denise BRICE
- Upper and uppermost Famennian (Devonian) brachiopods from north-western France (Avesnois) and southern Belgium
- Volume 19 (2016)number 1-2 - Devonian and Carboniferous research: homage to Professor Edouard Poty
- Tremadocian and Floian (Ordovician) linguliformean brachiopods from the Stavelot–Venn Massif (Avalonia; Belgium and Germany)
- Volume 25 (2022)number 1-2
>> Index by keyword