National forest inventory of Finland and its role estimating the carbon balance of forests
Erkki Tomppo,
Finnish Forest Research Institute. Unioninkatu, 40A. FI–00170 Helsinki (Finland). E-mail:
The paper presents the total stem volume increment and total drain, as well as the corresponding carbon contents, of the trees of Finnish forests. The carbon contents are converted to carbon dioxide equivalents. The total increment is above stump stem wood volume increment including bark. The estimates come from the National Forest Inventory of Finland conducted by the Finnish Forest Research Institute. The method is briefly described. The total drain includes fellings, i.e. removals and cutting waste, as well as natural mortality of above stump stem wood volume of trees including bark. The above stump stem volumes are converted to total tree biomass, total dry matter and total carbon content using available coefficients.
Keywords : carbon content, Finland, increment, National Forest Inventory
Om dit artikel te citeren:
Erkki Tomppo, «National forest inventory of Finland and its role estimating the carbon balance of forests», BASE [En ligne], Volume 4 (2000), Numéro 4, 281-284 URL :