Index by keyword
- 1-octen-3-ol
- 2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzoic acid methyl ester
- 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
- 20alpha−hydroxyprogesterone
- 2D electrophoresis
- 32P isotope dilution techniques
- 6-benzylaminopurine
- 6-benzylaminopurine
- 8-cinéole
- 8-cineole
- a-galactosidase
- a-galactosides
- Abidjan district
- abiotic stress
- abomasum
- absorption capacity
- Acacia auriculiformis
- Acacia tortilis
- Acacia tortilis
- academic journal
- acaricides
- acceptability
- accommodation
- accumulation
- accumulation d’éléments nutritifs
- acid Oxisols
- Acid phosphatase
- acidity
- Acidovorax citrulli
- acorns
- Acrisols
- action plans
- action programme
- activated carbon
- activated charcoal
- actors
- acyl-CoA oxydase
- acyl-CoA oxydase
- Adamawa
- Adansonia digitata
- adaptation
- adaptation
- additives
- Adenodolichos rhomboideus
- adhérence
- adherence
- adhesion strength
- adjuvant
- adjuvants
- adoption
- adsorbents
- adsorption
- adsorption isotherm
- adulteration
- adventitious buds
- advices
- aerobiosis
- afforestation
- aflatoxin
- aflatoxins
- Africa
- Africa South of Sahara
- Africa.
- African cotton
- African countries
- African countries of FCFA zone
- African elephant
- Afzelia
- Agaricus bisporus
- ageing
- agrarian reform
- agrarian system
- agri-environnemental measures
- agricultural biodiversity
- agricultural crisis
- agricultural development
- agricultural economics
- agricultural economics and policies
- agricultural innovation
- agricultural land
- agricultural land
- agricultural planning
- agricultural policies
- agricultural practices
- agricultural productivity
- agricultural research
- agricultural sectors
- agricultural soils
- agricultural structure
- agricultural sustainability
- agricultural wastes
- agriculture
- agriculture
- Agriotes
- agro-environment
- agro-industrial by-products
- Agrobacterium
- Agrobacterium rhizogenes
- Agrobacterium tumefaciens
- Agrobacterium tumefaciens
- Agrobiodiversity
- agrobiodiversity
- agroclimatic zones
- agroecology
- agroecosystem
- agroecosystems
- agroforestry
- Agroforestry
- agroforestry park
- agroforestry parkland
- Agroforestry systems
- agroforestry systems
- agroindustry
- agronomic characters
- agronomic evaluation
- agronomic nutrient use efficiency
- agronomic performances
- agronomic practices
- agronomy
- agropastoral system
- air
- air
- air flow
- air pollution
- alarm pheromone
- alcohol-dehydrogenase
- alcoholic fermentation
- Algae
- algae
- algae
- Algeria
- alginate
- alien plant
- Alisols under grass
- alkaline phosphatase
- alkaloids
- allelopathy
- allergy
- Allium cepa L.
- allometry
- allozyme
- Alnus glutinosa
- Alnus glutinosa
- Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.
- alpha-glucosidase
- alternate bearing
- alternative agriculture
- alternative methods
- alternatives technologies
- altitude
- altitude
- AM fungi
- Amarantus
- Amazon
- Amazonia
- Amazonia.
- Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
- amendment
- amino acid
- amino acids
- ammonia
- amorphous
- amphiphiles properties
- amplicon size
- amplified fragment length polymorphism
- amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)
- amylase inhibitors
- Amylases
- amylolysis
- amylolytic enzymes
- amylopectin
- amylose
- anaerobiosis
- analysis
- analytical methods
- anastomoses
- andean tubers
- Andosols
- Andropogon ascinodis
- Andropogon ascinodis
- anemogamy
- animal behaviour
- animal breeding
- animal by-products
- animal cell
- animal fats
- animal feeding
- animal health
- animal husbandry
- animal nutrition
- animal population
- animal production
- animal production channel
- animal products
- animal protein
- animal proteins
- animal proteins in feed
- animal welfare
- animal-drawn equipment
- Anopheles gambiae
- Anopheles gambiae
- antagonism
- antelopes
- anther
- anthocyanins
- Anthonomus grandis
- Anthonomus grandis
- anthropic pressure
- anthropogenic factors
- anti-androgenic activity
- anti-poaching control
- antibiotics
- antifungal activity
- Antifungal properties
- antifungal properties
- antimicrobial
- antimicrobial activity
- antimicrobial factor
- antimicrobial properties
- antinutrients
- antinutritional factors
- antioxidant activity
- Antioxidant enzymes
- antioxidant properties
- antioxidant system
- antioxidants
- Aphanizomenon
- Aphanizomenon
- aphid
- Aphididae
- aphidophagous hoverflies
- aphids
- aphid – ant relationship
- Aphis fabae
- Aphis fabae
- Apis mellifera
- Apis mellifera
- Appalachian States (USA)
- apple
- apple tree
- Apple tree
- apple tree.
- apples
- application
- application methods
- application rates
- applications
- aquaculture
- aquaculture engineering
- aquaponics
- aquatic ecology
- aquatic plant
- aquatic weeds
- Aqueous extracts
- Arabidopsis
- Arabidopsis
- Arabidopsis thaliana
- arabinoxylan
- arable lands
- arboretum
- Arboriculture
- arboriculture
- arboriculture
- arbuscular mycorrhiza
- ArcGIS
- ArcGIS
- architecture
- ArcObjects
- ArcObjects
- Arecaceae
- arenosols
- arid zone
- Aril
- arthropod pests
- artificial fallows
- artificial honeydew
- ascorbic acid
- ash tree
- Aspergillus
- Aspergillus
- Aspergillus phoenicis
- assessment
- assessors
- assimilates
- assisted natural regeneration
- Asteraceae
- atmospheric emission
- attitudes
- Austria
- autecology
- authentication
- autocorrélation
- autocorrelation
- automatic zoning
- automation
- autotrophic respiration
- autumn cover crops
- Azadirachta indica
- Azadirachta indica
- Azawak cattle
- Azospirillium
- Azospirillium
- b-phellandrène+1
- b-phellandrene+1
- b-pinène
- b-pinene
- Bacillus
- Bacillus
- Bacillus subtilis
- Bacillus subtilis
- Bacillus thuringiensis
- Bacillus thuringiensis
- back step method
- backfat
- Bacteria
- bacteria
- bacteriocin
- bacteriocin-like substances
- Bacteriocins
- bacteriological analysis
- bacteriology
- Bagam tribe
- Baillonella toxisperma
- Baillonella toxisperma
- balance of nature
- bambara groundnut
- banana
- banana tree
- bananas
- bar
- barley
- barley straw
- barriers of pre-zygotic incompatibility
- basic seed
- basic substances
- Basidiomycota
- bastadine
- bastadine
- batch
- batch
- bean
- bean processing
- beans
- Beauveria bassiana
- Beauveria bassiana
- bedding
- bee colonies
- beef
- beef fattening
- beer
- beers
- Belgian Ardenne ecoregion
- Belgian Soil Profile
- Belgian Soil Profile
- Belgium
- Bemisia tabaci
- beneficial organism
- beneficial organisms
- beneficials
- Bénin
- Benin
- benzimidazoles
- benzimidazoles
- bermudagrass
- Beta vulgaris
- bias
- bibliometric analysis
- bilayer
- binary
- bio-accumulator
- bio-indicator
- bio-packaging
- bioaccumulation
- bioactive compounds
- Bioactive properties
- bioassays
- bioavailability
- biochemical characterization
- biochemical hydrogen potential
- biocide
- biocide
- bioconservation
- bioconservation
- biocontrol
- bioconversion
- bioconversion
- biodegradability
- biodegradation
- biodiesel
- biodiesel
- Biodiversity
- biodiversity
- biodiversity conservation
- bioeconomic model
- bioenergy
- biofertilizers
- biofuel
- biofuels
- biofumigation
- biogeography
- bioherbicide
- bioherbicide
- biohydrogen
- biological activities
- Biological activity
- biological analysis
- biological contamination
- biological control
- Biological control
- biological control agents
- biological indicators
- Biological insecticides
- biological interaction
- biological invasion
- biological membranes
- biological pest control
- biological preservation
- biological properties
- biological traits
- biological weed control
- Biomanipulation
- biomass
- biomass production
- biopesticides
- Biopolymers
- biopréservation
- biopreservation
- bioreactor
- bioreactors
- bioremediation
- biosensors
- biospheric CO2 sinks
- biotechnology
- biotic interactions
- biotic/abiotic conditions
- bipolar somatic embryos
- bird feed
- birth weight
- black alder
- black-grass
- blood meal
- blood products
- blossom-end rot
- Bluetongue
- bluetongue
- body condition
- bolaforme and gemini surfactants
- Bolivia
- boll load.
- Bombax costatum
- bone
- bone digestion
- bone diseases
- bone lacunae
- bone meal
- bone sedimentation
- bootstrap
- Borassus akeassii
- Borassus akeassii
- borates
- Borocera cajani
- Borocera cajani
- botanical characters
- botanical impurities
- botanical insecticide
- botanical insecticides
- botany
- Botrytis cinerea.
- Bovidae
- bovine
- bovine colostrum
- bovine mastitis
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
- bovines
- branches
- Brassica juncea
- Brassica napus L.
- Brassica oleracea
- bread wheat
- breadmaking
- breasts
- breed
- breeding
- breeding programmes
- breeding value
- brewers’yeast
- brewing
- briquettes
- broilers
- bromeliad
- bromide
- Bromus diandrus
- brown soil
- browse plants
- brucellosis
- Bruchidae
- Bruchidae
- Bt cotton
- bud break
- bud dormancy
- bud sprouting
- budding stress
- Buddleja davdii
- buds
- bulked segregant analysis (BSA)
- Burgundy
- Burkina Faso
- Burkina Faso
- burrows
- Burundi
- burying beetles
- butter serum
- buttermilk
- by-products
- C-sequestration
- C4 plants
- cadmium
- Caesalpiniaceae
- Caesalpiniaceae
- Caesalpinioideae
- caffeine
- Cajanus cajan
- caking
- calcareous grassland
- calcareous grasslands
- calcite
- calcium
- calcium
- calibration
- callogenesis
- Callosobruchus maculatus
- Callosobruchus maculatus
- Cambodia
- camera trapping
- Cameroon
- Campylobacter
- Campylobacter
- Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson
- Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson
- cancer
- cancer
- Candida antarctica lipase B
- canker
- cannibalism
- cap
- capacité de neutralisation des protons
- capillarity
- capillary gas chromatography
- capital
- capital
- Capsicum frutescens
- capsule
- captive bolt stunning
- Carabidae
- carbaryl
- carbaryl
- CarboEurope-IP
- CarboEurope-IP
- carbohydrate
- carbohydrate content
- carbohydrates
- carbon
- Carbon balance
- carbon balance
- carbon content
- carbon cycle
- carbon dioxide
- carbon dioxyde
- carbon fluxes
- carbon mineralization
- carbon mitigation
- carbon pools
- carbon sequestration
- Carbon sequestration
- carbon sinks
- carbon stock
- carbon stock assessments.
- carbon stocks
- carcass composition
- carcass lean
- carcass splitting
- carcinogens
- Caricion ferrugineae
- carry-over
- cartography
- Caryedon serratus
- Caryedon serratus
- cash needs
- cashew.
- cassava
- castor oil plant
- catalase
- catalase
- catalase inhibition
- catch crops
- caterpillars
- Cationic Exchange Capacity
- cattle
- cattle organs
- cattle slaughtering
- caulogenesis
- Cavendish
- Cavendish
- Cedrus atlantica
- Cedrus atlantica
- cell counting
- cell culture
- cell dynamics
- cell walls
- cellular fatty acid
- cellulase
- cellulose
- cellulose
- cellulose products
- censuses
- Central Africa
- central nervous system
- Ceratitis
- Ceratonia siliqua
- Ceratonia siliqua
- cereal needs
- cereal products
- cereals
- certification
- certification
- certification of agricultural products
- Cervus elaphus
- Cestrum parqui
- Chaetomium sp.
- Chaetomium sp.
- characterization
- charcoal
- cheese
- cheesemaking
- chelate
- chemical composition
- chemical contaminant
- chemical contaminants
- chemical degradation
- chemical ecology
- chemical index
- chemical method
- chemical parameters
- chemical products
- chemical properties
- chemical structure
- chemical synthesis
- chemical treatment
- chemicophysical properties
- Chémokine
- Chemokine
- chemometrics
- chemotaxonomy
- chemotype
- chémotype
- chemotype.
- Chenopodium quinoa
- Chenopodium quinoa
- chicken
- Chickens
- chickens
- chickpea
- chicory
- chilling
- chilling temperatures
- chlorination
- chlorination
- chlorine
- Chlorophyceae
- Chlorophyceae
- chlorophyll
- chlorophyll a fluorescence
- chlorophylls
- chloroplast DNA
- chlorpyrifos
- chlorpyrifos
- chocolate
- choice of an authentication method
- cholesterol
- chorology
- chromatin
- chromatography
- chromium
- chromogenic
- Chromolaena odorata
- Chromolaena odorata
- Chrysophyceae
- Cicer arietinum L.
- Cicer arietinum L.
- Cimex
- Citrobacter
- Citrobacter
- Citrobacter freundii
- Citrobacter freundii
- citronellol
- Citrullus sp.
- Citrus
- class pedotransfer function
- classical microscopy
- classification
- classification of authentication methods
- cleaning
- clearing
- clearing house
- climate
- climate change
- climatic data
- climatic factors
- climatic factors.
- clinoptilolite
- clinoptilolite
- cloning
- Clostridium botulinum
- Clostridium botulinum
- Clostridium butyricum
- Clostridium butyricum
- Clostridium perfringens
- Clostridium perfringens
- CO2 sequestration
- coagulation
- cobalt
- Coccinellidae
- Coccinellidae
- cochliodinol
- cochliodinol
- cockroach
- cocksfoot-alfalfa
- cocoa
- cocoa farming
- cocoa hulls
- cocoa stick
- cocoa tree
- cocoyam (Xanthosoma sp.)
- coelomic orifice
- Coffea arabica
- Coffea canephora
- Coffea canephora
- cohesion
- Cola pierlotii
- Cola pierlotii
- colchicine
- cold
- cold tolerance
- collective farming
- colloids
- colneleic acid
- colnelenic acid
- combining ability
- commercialization
- comminution
- commodity markets
- common bean
- common garden
- common resources
- communication
- communication
- communication technology
- communities
- Community composition
- community evolution
- community participation
- Comoros
- compaction
- comparative analysis
- comparison of methods
- compartment model
- compensation
- compétition
- competition
- competitiveness
- complete utility function
- composite flour
- composition
- composition
- compost
- composting
- compound feeds
- compound fertilizer
- compressive strength
- computer applications
- computer image analysis
- computer systems (applications)
- computerized mating system
- concentrates
- concentration fields
- Conclusions. Precision livestock farming can have a positive impact on dairy farmers’ work and can be attractive for young people. However
- condensed tannins
- condiments
- conductimetry
- cone index
- cones
- confidence interval
- conformation
- Congo
- Congo
- Congo Basin
- Congo Democratic Republic
- conidia
- conjugated addition
- conservation
- conservation
- Conservation
- conservation biological control
- conservation status
- constraints
- construction materials
- consumer
- consumer behaviour
- consumer expenditure
- consumers
- consumption milk
- contact kairomone
- contaminant
- contamination
- contingent valuation
- control
- control methods
- control systems
- control tools
- Control volume
- controlled release
- conventional farming
- cooking
- copper
- corn
- cornstarch
- corrélations
- correlations
- cost benefit analysis
- costs
- cost – benefit analysis
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Côte d’Ivoire
- Cotton
- cotton
- cotton breeding
- cotton culture
- cotton Development Company
- cotton farming system
- cotton industry
- cotton-maize rotation
- cotylédons
- cotyledons
- Coula edulis
- cover rate
- cow milk
- cow milk coagulation
- cowpea
- Cowpea
- cows
- cream
- credit
- crisis
- crisis conditions
- critical micellar concentration
- crop combination
- crop modeling
- crop nitrogen status
- crop production
- crop protection
- crop residues
- crop rotation
- Crop sequence
- crop techniques
- crop weed competition
- crop yield
- crop-livestock integration
- croplands
- cropping calendar
- cropping system
- cropping systems
- crops
- cross-resistance
- crossing
- Crotalaria
- croton
- crown
- crown thinning
- cryoconservation
- cryoprotectants
- Cucumeropsis mannii
- Cucumis melo var. agrestis
- Cucumis melo var. agrestis
- cucumovirus
- cucumovirus
- cucurbit
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucurbitaceous
- Culex pipiens
- Culex pipiens
- Culicoides
- cultivar
- cultivar
- cultivar selection
- cultivated plants
- cultivation
- cultural behaviour
- cultural control
- cultural object
- cultural practices
- culture media
- culture medium
- cultured milk
- curcin
- cyanobacteria
- cyclic activity
- Cylicodiscus gabunensis
- Cymbopogon
- Cymbopogon citratus
- Cymbopogon citratus
- cytokinins
- cytometry
- cytotoxicity
- D.R. Congo
- D.R.C.
- Dacryodes edulis
- Dacryodes edulis
- Dahomey Gap
- dairy cattle
- dairy cows
- dairy farming
- dairy farms
- dairy industry
- dairy performance
- dairy production
- damage
- damage assessment
- dams
- Darcy coefficient
- darkness treatment
- data analysis
- data collection
- data explorer
- data management
- data processing
- data publishing
- databases
- date flour
- decision making
- Decision rules
- decision support
- decision support system
- decision support systems
- decision support tool
- decoction.
- defense mechanisms
- deficit irrigation; biomass
- defoliation
- deforestation
- degradation
- degraded land
- dehydration
- deiodination
- demand
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denmark
- dense humid forest
- density
- desertification
- design
- designation act
- Desmodesmus
- Desmodium
- desorption
- detection
- detection rate
- Determination of species
- détoxification
- detoxification
- developing countries
- development
- development policies
- diagnosis
- diagnostics
- dialogue
- Diaperasticus erythrocephalus
- diet
- dietary fibre
- dietary fibres
- differentiation
- difficult access
- diffuse pollution
- diffusion of research
- diffusivity
- digesters
- digestibility
- digestion
- digestion
- digestive system
- Digitaria exilis
- Dioscorea alata
- Dioscorea alata
- dioxin
- dioxins
- diploidy
- dipstick method
- Diptera Syrphidae
- Dipterocarpaceae
- direct causes
- direct sowing
- Directive 2002/32/EC
- discordancy test
- discrimination
- discrimination
- disease control
- disease incidence
- disease management
- disease resistance
- disinfection
- distance
- diversification
- diversification
- diversity
- diversity decline
- divinyl ether synthase
- Djallonké and Sahelian rams
- dl-PCB
- DNA extraction
- DNA methyltransferases inhibitors
- Domestication
- dominance
- dopamine
- dopamine
- dormancy
- drinking water process
- dromedaries
- dromedary
- drought
- drought resistance
- drought stress
- drought tolerance
- drug plants
- drugs
- Dry grassland
- dry grasslands
- dry matter content
- Dry rot
- dry season
- drying
- Dryland
- Dumping
- Dumping
- Dunaliella tertiolecta
- Dunaliella tertiolecta
- durability
- duration of filling
- dynamics
- E-β-caryophyllene
- E. camaldulensis
- E. cladocalyx
- E. diversicolor
- E. globulus ssp. globulus
- E. globulus ssp. maideni
- E. grandis
- E.C.
- E.C.
- earthworms
- EC
- EC50
- EC50
- ecobalance
- ecohydrology
- ecological factors
- ecological reference
- ecological restoration
- ecological trajectory
- ecology
- ecology.
- econometric models
- economic activities
- economic analysis
- economic aspects
- economic losses
- economic policies
- Economic profitability
- economic sociology
- economic survey
- economic yield
- economical benefits
- ecosystem respiration
- ecosystem services
- ecosystems
- ecotype
- écotype
- ecotypes
- edaphic factors
- eddy covariance
- edge effect
- edible caterpillars
- edible fungi
- edible orchid
- efficiency
- Egusi
- Egusi
- Egusi crops
- Egypt
- EICA hypothesis
- Eichhornia crassipes
- Eichhornia crassipes
- Elaeis guineensis
- Electre
- electronic nose
- électroporation
- electroporation
- electrospray
- elements
- elicitor
- elicitors
- Embryo
- embryo culture
- embryo mortality
- embryogenesis
- Eminia
- Eminia
- emission abatement
- employment
- ems
- emulsifying properties
- Encephalartos
- Encephalartos
- endangered species
- endophytic fungi
- endozoochory
- energy
- energy balance
- energy efficiency
- energy productivity
- energy value
- enrichment
- ent-13-epi manoyl oxide
- Entandrophragma
- enteric infections
- enterocin
- enterococci
- Enterococcus spp.
- Enterococcus spp.
- entomogenous fungi
- entomology
- entomophagy
- entomophily
- environment
- environmental factor
- environmental factors
- environmental impact
- environmental impact assessment
- environmental indicator
- Environmental microbiology
- environmental modelling
- environmental policies
- environmental sustainability
- environmentally friendly products
- enzymatic hydrolysis
- enzyme
- enzyme
- enzyme activity
- enzyme systems
- enzyme technology
- enzyme-assisted oxidative coupling
- enzymes
- enzymes
- enzymes engineering
- enzymic synthesis
- enzymology
- epidemiology
- Epigenetics
- epilepsy
- Episyrphus balteatus
- Episyrphus balteatus
- eradication
- ergot
- érosion
- erosion
- Erwinia carotovora
- Erwinia carotovora
- Erwinia chrysanthemi
- Erwinia chrysanthemi
- escape
- Escherichia coli
- Escherichia coli
- essential oil
- essential oil composition
- essential oils
- essential plant nutrient
- esterase
- esterification
- estérification
- esters
- estimation methods
- estrogenics effects
- ethnic groups
- ethnobotanic
- ethnobotany
- ethnoveterinary medicine
- éthylène
- ethylene
- EU Monitoring Mechanism
- EU “Quality pest project”
- Eupelmus orientalis
- Eupelmus orientalis
- Eupelmus vuilleti
- Eupelmus vuilleti
- Euphresco
- Europe
- European Commission.
- European Union
- European union
- eutrophication
- Evaluation
- evapotranspiration
- ewe milk
- ex
- excluder
- excluder
- excreta
- excrétion
- excretion
- excrétions
- excretions
- exotic species
- expanded clay balls
- experimentation
- explants
- explosives
- extension activities
- Extensive grassy headlands
- extensive livestock system
- extracellular enzymes
- extraction
- extraction process
- extrapolation
- extrapolation
- extreme weather events
- extrêmes
- extremes
- faba bean
- facilitation
- faecal analysis
- faeces
- Fagus
- Fagus orientalis
- Fagus orientalis
- Faidherbia albida
- fair trade
- fall armyworm
- Fallow
- fallow
- family farming
- family farms
- farm
- farm income
- farm management
- farm surveys
- farm systems
- farm-made fertilizers and pesticides
- farmer
- farmers
- farming system
- farming systems
- farming systems and practices
- farmland
- farms
- farmyard manure
- fat processing
- fats
- fattening
- fatty acid divinyl ether
- fatty acid hydroperoxide
- fatty acid hydroperoxides
- Fatty acids
- fatty acids
- feather
- fecal coliforms
- fecal indicator bacteria
- feed
- feed additive
- Feed additives
- feed additives
- feed ban
- feed composition
- feed contamination
- feed crops
- feed deficit
- feed legumes
- feed materials
- feed monitoring
- feed safety
- feeding habits
- feeding preference
- feeding systems
- feedingstuffs
- feeds
- feeds of animal origin
- feedstuffs
- fermentation
- fermentation
- Fermentation
- fermented foods
- fermented products
- ferrallitic soils
- ferruginous soil
- fertilisation
- fertilisation
- fertility
- fertility state
- fertilization
- fertilizer application
- fertilizers
- fescue
- fiber
- fibers
- fibre corn
- fibre sorghum
- Ficus carica
- Ficus sp.
- Ficus sp.
- field experimentation
- field trial
- field tuberisation
- filamentous fungi
- filter
- fineness
- finite element method
- Finland
- fire
- fish
- fish farming
- fish meal
- fishery products
- Fixed Bed Reactor
- flatulence
- flavonoids
- flavour
- flocculation
- flood irrigation
- flora
- floral biology
- floral transition
- floristic composition
- flour
- flour yield
- flours
- flow
- flower induction
- flowering
- flowering stress
- flowers
- fluidization
- fluorescence
- fluorescence
- fluvisols
- flux
- fodder crops
- foliage
- foliar nutrition
- Food
- food
- food and feed industry
- food chains
- food composition
- food consumption
- food crops
- food insecurity
- food legumes
- food preservation
- food processing
- food quality
- food resources
- food safety
- Food security
- food security
- food standard
- food storage
- food waste
- foods
- forage
- forage legumes
- forages
- foraging and oviposition behavior
- forensic entomology
- forest
- forest biorefinery
- forest carbon cycle
- forest carbon inventory
- forest cover
- forest degradation
- forest dynamics
- forest ecology
- forest fragmentation
- forest genetic resource
- forest genetics
- forest growth models
- forest inventories
- forest inventory
- forest inventory data
- forest management
- forest management units
- forest managing
- forest mapping
- forest mensuration
- forest modelling
- forest plantations
- forest regeneration
- forest resources
- forest site
- forest soils
- forest soils degradation
- forest structure
- forest trees
- forest-savanna contact
- forestry
- forests
- formulation
- formulations
- fouling
- founder effect
- FPP synthase
- fractionation
- Fragaria
- Fragaria x ananassa
- Fragmentation
- France
- France
- francophone Africa
- Fraxinus
- Fraxinus
- free radicals
- free-range broiler flocks
- freeze-drying
- frost resistance
- Fruit
- Fruit
- fruit
- fruit damaging insects
- fruit drop
- fruit products
- Fruit pulps
- fruit size
- fruit susceptibility
- fruit tree
- fruit tree crops
- fruit trees
- fruiting
- fruiting branch
- fruiting position
- Fruits
- Fruits
- fruits
- frying index
- FT-Raman
- FT-Raman
- FT-Raman spectroscopy
- fuel wood needs
- fuels
- fuelwood
- full carbon accounting
- fulvic acids
- functional foods
- funding
- fungal diseases
- fungal morphology
- fungi
- Fungi
- fungicide
- fungicides
- Fusarium spp.
- Fusarium spp.
- fusion
- fusion
- Gabon
- Gabon
- Gabon.
- Gaeumannomyces graminis
- galactomannan
- galactomannans
- galactose content
- game meat
- game reserves
- gas exchanges
- gas-liquid-solid reactors
- gastro-intestinal parasites
- GC
- gel electrophoresis
- gelatinization
- Gelechiidae
- gender
- Gene bank
- gene banks
- gene disruption
- gene expression
- gene silencing
- genes
- genetic
- genetic correlation
- genetic differentiation
- genetic diversity
- genetic diversity as resource
- genetic drift
- genetic engineering
- genetic evaluation
- genetic improvement
- Genetic innovations
- genetic maps
- genetic markers
- genetic parameters
- genetic processes
- genetic resistance
- genetic resources
- genetic resources conservation
- genetic structure
- genetic transformation
- genetic variability
- genetic variance
- genetic variation
- genetically modified organism
- genetically modified organisms
- genetics
- genetics markers
- Geneva canton
- genomics
- génotype
- genotype
- genotype by environment interaction
- genotype x year interaction
- génotypes
- genotypes
- geochemistry
- geographic information system
- geographic information system and remote sensing
- geographical data
- geographical distribution
- Geographical Information System
- geographical information system
- geographical information systems
- geography
- geoidentifier
- geomatics
- geomorphology
- geostatistics
- geotraceability
- geraniol
- Germany
- germination
- germination
- germplasm
- germplasm conservation
- GGPP synthase
- girth
- glass transition
- Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein
- global positioning system
- global positioning systems
- Glomus aggregatum
- Glossina spp.
- Glossina spp.
- gluconic acid
- glucose
- glucose
- glucose oxidation
- glucosidase
- glucosidase
- glucosyltransférase
- glucosyltransferase
- Glucuronic acid esters
- glycérol
- glycerol
- glycine bétaïne
- glycine betaine
- glycine betaine derivatives
- Glycine max
- glycoproteins
- glycosides
- GMO detection
- goats
- good practices
- Gorilla
- Gorilla
- Gossypium
- Gossypium
- Gossypium hirsutum
- Gossypium hirsutum L
- Gossypium hirsutum L.
- Gossypium hirsutum L.
- governance
- gox
- grade distribution
- gradient
- grafting
- grain
- grain
- grain amaranth
- grain yield
- Grande Comore Island
- granulometric fractionation
- granulometry
- grapes
- grass
- grass sod
- grasses
- grassland
- grassland management
- grassland-management
- grasslands
- grazing
- grazing.
- Greece
- green chemistry
- green leaf volatiles
- Green manure
- green note compounds
- greenhouse
- greenhouse crops
- greenhouse gas
- greenhouse gas emission
- greenhouse Gas Inventory
- greenhouse gas inventory
- greenhouse gases
- greenhouses
- Grevillea robusta
- ground meat
- ground water
- groundwater
- groundwater recharge
- growing media
- growth
- growth hormone
- growth model
- growth promoter
- growth rate
- Gumbel
- Gumbel
- gus
- GE effects
- H22 gene
- H5 gene
- Habenaria keayi
- Habenaria keayi
- Habenaria zambesina
- Habenaria zambesina
- habitat
- habitat
- Habitat loss
- habitats
- Hadraphe
- hair
- Haiti
- Halictidae
- Halyomorpha halys
- HAM modeling
- handicrafts
- haplodiploïdisation
- haplomethods
- hard-to-cook
- harmful smell
- Harmonia axyridis
- Harmonia axyridis
- harvest index
- harvesting date
- hay
- HDAC inhibitor
- health
- health care
- health claim
- health foods
- health hazards
- health parameters
- heat recovery
- heat transfer
- heat treatment
- heating parameters
- heavy metal
- heavy metals
- Helianthus annuus
- Helianthus annuus
- Helicoverpa armigera
- Helicoverpa armigera
- hémicellulases
- hemicellulases
- hémicellulose
- hemicellulose
- hémicelluloses
- hemicelluloses
- hemp
- hen egg yolk antibodies
- hen’s dung
- herbaceous legumes
- herbicide resistance
- Herbicides
- herbicides
- heritability
- heritage
- Hershberger test
- Hershberger test
- heterosis
- heterotrophic respiration
- Hevea brasiliensis
- Hevea brasiliensis
- hexénal
- hexenal
- hexénol
- hexenol
- high price
- high water
- hippopotamuses
- histology
- histones deacetylases (HDACs) inhibitors
- Historical ecology
- Holarrhena floribunda
- Holarrhena floribunda
- holoenzyme composition
- homeostasis
- homogenization
- homoionic clays
- homologous recombination
- honey
- honey bees
- honeydew
- hops
- Hordeum vulgare
- Hordeum vulgare
- horizontal hydraulic conductivity
- Horticulture
- host choice
- host parasite relations
- host pathogen relations
- host plants
- host range
- host-pest relationship
- hot air drying
- household consumption
- hsp70
- HTLV-1
- HTLV-1
- human diseases
- human feeding
- human nutrition
- human pathology
- human remains
- humanitarian organizations
- humic acids
- humid savanna
- humus
- Hungary
- hunting
- hurdle technology
- Hyacinthus
- Hyacinthus
- hybridization
- hydraulic conductivity
- hydrocarbons
- hydrolase
- hydrolase
- hydrologic groups
- hydrological model
- hydrology
- hydrolyse
- hydrolyse
- hydrolysis
- hydroperoxide lyase
- hydroperoxides
- hydroperoxyde-lyase
- hydroperoxyde-lyase
- hydrophobicity
- hydropony
- hydropriming
- hydroxybenzoic acids
- hydroxycinnamic acids
- hypocotyls
- Iceland
- IDEA method
- identification
- identification
- identification.
- if the tools are not adapted to farmers’ needs and skills
- IgY production
- ileal digestibility
- illegal practices
- image analysis
- image processing
- imagery
- imazéthapyr
- imazethapyr
- Imbrasia oyemensis
- imidacloprid
- imitation cream
- immobilization
- immune response
- immunity
- immunoassay
- immunoglobulins
- immunological techniques
- impact
- impact
- impact assessment
- impact factor
- improvement
- in
- in
- in vitro
- in vitro
- in vitro culture
- in vitro plantlets
- includer
- includer
- income
- incomes
- incompatibility
- incompatibility barriers
- incorporation
- increment
- incubations
- incubations
- Indian Ocean
- Indian Ocean Islands
- indicator
- indicator animals
- indicator plant
- indicators
- indices
- indices
- indigenous knowledge
- indigenous organisms
- indigenous peoples' knowledge
- Indigenous Peoples' knowledge
- indigenous plants
- indigenous soil inoculum
- indigenous traditional knowledge
- indol-derived substances
- induced mutagenesis
- induced resistance
- induced systemic resistance
- induction medium
- industrial agriculture
- industrial pollutants
- industrial uses
- industry
- infestation
- infestation
- infestation.
- infiltration
- infiltration
- Influenza A
- Influenza A
- information exchange
- information literacy
- information systems
- information transfer
- infrared radiation
- infrared spectrometry
- infrared spectrophotometry
- infusion
- Inga edulis
- inhibition
- inhibition
- innovation
- innovation adoption
- innovation platforms
- inoculation
- inoculation
- inorganic and organic fertilisers
- inorganic arsenic
- inorganic fertilizers
- insect control
- Insecta
- Insecta
- insecticide activity
- insecticide plants
- insecticide resistance
- insecticides
- insects
- insects as food
- insecurity
- institutions
- intake
- integrated control
- Integrated crop-livestock systems
- integrated forest management
- integrated networks
- integrated pest management
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- integrated production system
- integration
- intelligence
- intensification
- intensive farming
- inter-species integration
- interaction tree-crop
- interactions
- intercrop
- intercropping
- interdisciplinary research
- interestérification
- interesterification
- interflow
- intergeneric hybridization
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- intermolecular association
- Internal transcribed spacer (ITS)
- internal transcribed spacer-2
- international co-operation
- international cooperation
- international trade
- internet
- Internet
- Internet
- interoperability
- interpretation of methods and results
- interspecific competition
- interspecific hybridization
- interspecific hybrids
- interspecific interactions
- intestinal flora
- intestines
- intranet/internet
- intraspecific hybridization
- intrinsic indicators
- introduced range
- introduced species
- introduced species.
- invasion
- invasion
- invasive species
- Invasive species
- inventories
- Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW)
- in silico
- in vitro culture
- in vitro experimentation
- ion release
- Iran
- Iran
- Ireland
- irrigated rice
- irrigated soils
- irrigation
- irrigation
- irrigation method
- isomaltooligosaccharides
- isomaltooligosaccharides
- isoprenyl diphosphate synthases
- isosteric heat
- isotope dilution
- isotopes
- isozyme
- isozyme variation
- Italy
- iterative algorithm
- Ivory Coast
- jachère
- jackknife
- jasmonate
- jasmonate
- Jatropha curcas
- Jatropha curcas
- jerusalem artichoke
- joint ventures
- Jordan
- Juniperus phoenicea
- Juniperus phoenicea
- juvenile hormone
- juvenile wood
- kairomones
- Katanga
- keeping quality
- Keeping quality
- kéfir
- kefir
- Kenya
- Keywords. Eudrilus
- Keywords. No-till
- kidney beans
- kinetic
- Klebsiella
- knowledge
- knowledge based systems
- knowledge organization systems
- kriging
- Kurdistan
- Kurdistan
- Kyoto Protocol
- L-dopa
- L-dopa
- labelling
- Lablab purpureus
- laboratory experimentation
- labour
- labour allocation
- labour cost
- lactic acid
- lactic acid bacteria
- lactic fermentation
- Lactococcus lactis
- Lactococcus lactis
- lactoferrin
- lactones
- lactones
- lactoproteins
- ladybird beetles
- Lagenaria siceraria
- Lagenaria siceraria
- lagoons
- lambda-cyhalothrin
- lambs
- Lamiaceae
- land cover mapping
- land degradation
- land evaluation
- land information systems
- land management
- land needs for cultivation
- land races
- land survey
- land tenure
- land use
- land use planning
- land-use
- land-use change
- land-use change and forestry
- landfills
- landraces
- Landscape
- landscape dynamics
- landscape ecology
- landscape shape metrics
- landslide
- larch
- larder-hoarding
- large-scale mapping
- Larix
- larvae
- larvicide
- larvicide
- Lasius niger
- Lasius niger
- lateral flow device
- Lavandula
- leaching
- leaching.
- lead
- leaf anatomy
- leaf area index
- leaf eating insects
- leaf extracts
- leaf tissue
- Leaf water potential
- leaf yield
- leaves
- lectins
- legal control
- législation
- legislation
- legumes
- Leguminosae
- Lemna
- lemurs
- Lepidoptera
- Leptadenia hastata
- Leptadenia hastata
- Lesse-and-Lomme
- lethal dose
- Leucaena
- Leuconostoc
- Leuconostoc
- level of appropriation
- levelling-off of peak flow
- ley pasture
- liberalization
- lichens
- life cycle
- life cycle analysis
- life history
- light intensity
- light traps
- lignans
- lignin
- lignins
- lignocellulose
- lignocellulose
- lignocellulosic substrate
- Lima bean
- Lima beans
- Limacodidae
- lime sulphur
- liming
- liming materials
- linear programming model
- linkage
- linoleic acid
- linolenic acid
- linseed
- Linum usitatissimum
- Linum usitatissimum
- linuron
- lipase
- lipase
- lipases
- lipases
- lipid bilayer
- lipid content
- lipid monolayers
- lipid productivity
- lipid vesicles
- lipids
- lipolytic enzyme
- liposomes
- Lipotriches
- lipoxygénase
- lipoxygenase
- lipoxygenase pathway
- liquid medium
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Livestock
- livestock
- livestock feeding
- livestock management
- livestock nutrition
- lixiviation
- lixiviation
- local communities
- local knowledge
- local public good
- loci
- locust bean gum
- Locust beans
- logging
- logging concessions
- logging gap
- logistic
- long term experiments
- longissimus thoracis muscle
- Lophira alata
- Lophira alata
- low-risk substances
- Luiswishi mine
- Lumbricidae
- Lumbricus terrestris L.
- Lumbricus terrestris L.
- luminance
- luminescence
- Lupin
- Lupinus augustifolius
- Luprops baldius
- lyases
- Lycopersicon esculentum
- Lycopersicon esculentum
- lymphocyte
- lymphocyte
- lysimeter
- lysimeters
- maceration
- machine learning
- machine vision
- macrocyclic molecule
- macroinvertebrates
- Macrolophus
- macromolecules
- Madagascar
- Madagascar
- maize
- maize crop
- maize gluten
- malathion
- malathion
- Malawi
- Mali
- Malinké
- malt
- malt
- malting
- malting barley
- Malus domestica
- Malus domestica
- Malus prunus
- mammals
- mammary gland
- management
- management capacity
- management techniques
- mangrove swamp
- Manihot esculenta
- Manure
- mapping
- mare
- marker
- market information services
- market prices
- market transparency
- marketing
- marketing channels
- mashua
- mashua
- mass spectrometry
- mass transfer
- mastitis
- Mata/Rwanda
- Mata/Rwanda
- materials
- mathematical model
- mathematical models
- mathematical programming
- mating
- mating disruption
- mating system
- maturation
- maturation
- mature wood
- maturity
- maximal quantum yield
- Maximum residue limits (MRL)
- Mayetiola destructor
- meadows
- mean
- measurement
- measures
- meat
- meat and bone meal
- meat and bone meal (MBM)
- meat and bone meals
- Meat by-products
- meat channel
- meat meal
- mechanical characteristics
- mechanical properties
- mechanism of action
- mechanization
- median
- medicinal plants
- medicinal properties
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean zone
- melamine
- Melipona
- Meliponinae
- membrane
- membrane
- Mentha rotundifolia (L.) Huds.
- meristem
- Mesobromion
- métabolite
- metabolite
- metabolites
- metallic elements
- metallic trace elements
- metalliferous site
- metalliferous sites
- Metarhizium anisopliae
- Metarhizium anisopliae
- méthane
- methane
- methane emission
- Method
- methodology
- methylmercury
- Meuse
- Meuse
- micro-irrigation
- microalgae
- microbial activity
- microbial biomass
- microbial communities
- microbial flora
- microbial stress
- microbiological analysis
- microbiological properties
- Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806
- Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806
- microorganims
- microorganisms
- Microplitis croceipes
- Microplitis croceipes
- micropropagation
- micropropagation
- Microsatellite
- microsatellite
- microsatellite loci
- microsatellites
- microsatellites
- microscopic method
- Microscopy
- microscopy
- microspore
- microtuberization
- mild winter
- milk
- milk fat globule membrane
- milk processing
- milk production
- milk products
- milling
- milling theories
- Mimosoideae
- mineral balance
- mineral content
- mineral nutrient
- mineral nutrition
- mineralization
- mineralogy
- minerals
- mini-bioreactors
- mining
- minitubers
- miombo
- miscanthus
- miscanthus
- mites
- mitigation
- mitigation measures
- mitochondrial DNA
- mixed cropping
- mixed culture
- mixed farming
- mixed forest
- mixed forests
- mixing
- mixing time
- mobility
- model
- model (simulation model)
- model membranes
- modeling
- modelisation
- modelization
- Modelling
- modelling
- models
- modulus of elasticity
- moisture content
- molecular biological methods (PCR and RFLP)
- molecular biology
- molecular marker
- molecular method
- molecular modelling
- molecular regulation
- monitoring
- monosomic alien addition line
- monoterpenes
- Mont-de-l’Enclus
- month
- Moraceae
- Moraceae
- morbidity
- Moringa oleifera
- Morocco
- morphological variability
- morphological variation
- morphology
- Morphology
- morphotypes
- mosquito
- mosses
- motion
- moulds
- movements
- MS
- mucilages
- multi-agents model
- multi-enzymatic system
- multi-purpose trees
- multicriteria
- multicriteria methods
- multidrug resistance
- multidrug-resistant
- multilayer approach
- multiple factor analysis
- multiplepurpose trees
- multiplication
- multiplication
- multiplication rate
- multipurpose trees
- municipal solid waste
- musa
- Musa (banana)
- Musa spp.
- muscle ratio
- mustard
- mutagenesis
- mutant
- mutations
- Mutillidae
- mycofumigation
- mycoherbicide
- mycoherbicide
- mycorrhizae
- mycorrhization
- Mycosphaerella graminicola
- mycotoxins
- Mylabris
- Myzus persicae
- N-15
- NaCl
- NaCl
- nanocellulose
- Nanodrop
- Nanodrop
- nanoscale membrane organization
- nanotechnology
- narcotics
- national communication
- National Forest Inventories
- National Forest Inventory
- national inventory
- native range
- native species
- NATURA 2000
- natural background values
- natural biocides
- natural enemies
- natural flavor production
- natural hazards
- natural heritage
- natural isotopes
- natural pastures
- natural range
- natural regeneration
- natural resources
- natural resources management
- natural selection
- natural ventilation
- Natura 2000
- Natura 2000
- nature conservation
- nature reserves
- Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
- near infrared spectrometry
- near infrared spectroscopy
- near- isogenic lines (NILs)
- neem oil
- néoformation
- neoformation
- neoplasms
- nephridial symbiosis
- net annual increment
- net carbon sink
- net ecosystem exchange
- netetu
- network
- networks
- neuronal
- new cultivars
- new tendencies
- Newcastle disease
- Nezara viridula
- nickel
- Niger
- Niger
- Nile River
- NIR imaging
- Nitosol
- Nitosols
- nitrate
- nitrate
- Nitrate directive
- nitrate fertilizers
- nitrate leaching
- nitrate lixiviation
- Nitrates
- nitrates
- nitrification
- nitrogen
- nitrogen balance
- nitrogen content
- nitrogen dose
- nitrogen efficiency
- nitrogen fertilisation
- nitrogen fertilization
- nitrogen fertilization advice
- nitrogen fertilizers
- nitrogen fixation
- nitrogen flux
- nitrogen losses
- nitrogen metabolism
- nitrogen pollution
- nitrogen residue
- nitrous oxide
- nodes
- nominal
- nominal
- non wood forest products
- non-conventional media
- non-genetic factors
- non-starch polysaccharides
- non-wood forest products
- non-woody forest products
- nonpoint pollution
- nonwood forest products
- North America
- North-South relations
- Norway
- novel compound
- noxious plants
- nozzles
- NPK fertilizers
- numerical analysis
- nursery
- nursery plants
- nutrient accumulation
- nutrient availability (soil)
- nutrient cycling in ecosystems
- nutrient improvement
- nutrient intake
- nutrient solutions
- nutrients
- nutrition
- nutrition
- nutritional quality
- nutritional status
- nutritional value
- nutritive value
- O157
- observation
- observer effect
- oca
- oca
- Ocimum canum
- Ocimum canum
- Ocimum gratissimum
- Ocimum gratissimum
- official microscopic method
- oil crops
- oil palms
- Oilseeds
- Okra
- Olea europaea
- Olea europaea
- Olea europaea L.
- Olea europaea L.
- Oligochaeta
- olive
- olive cakes
- olive tree
- omission bias
- One-Factor-At-A-Time
- onions
- Ooencyrtus pityocampae
- open access
- open pollination
- open top chambre
- open-air range
- optical readings on plants
- optimization methods
- oranges
- ordinal
- ordinal
- organic acids
- organic agriculture
- organic amendments
- organic catalyst
- organic cotton
- organic farming
- organic fertilizers
- organic index
- organic matter
- organic resources
- organic substrate
- organic volatile compounds
- organic wastes
- organization of research
- organogenesis
- organoleptic analysis
- organoleptic characteristics
- orientation
- Origanetalia
- origin
- ornamental woody plants
- Orthoptera
- Oryza sativa
- osmopriming
- osmotic dehydration
- osmotic stress
- osteocyte lacunae
- Ouara
- outcrossing
- outliers
- outranking
- ovariectomized rat
- ovicidal and larvicidal properties
- ovine
- oxidation
- oxidative stress
- oxylipins
- ozone
- ozone
- P uptake
- P.L.I.F.
- P.L.I.F.
- Pakistan
- palatability
- palm oils
- palynology
- panel
- Panicum maximum
- PAP determination
- Paraguay
- Paraguay
- parameters
- parametric system
- parasites
- parasitic plants
- parasitoids
- Parkia biglobosa
- Participative Prospective Analysis (PPA)
- participatory approaches
- Participatory research
- participatory rural appraisal
- particle size
- partnerships
- passive immunity
- passive immunization
- pasting properties
- pastoralism
- pasture renovation
- pasturing
- pat
- patents
- paternity assurance
- pathogenesis
- pathogenic bacteria
- pathogenic fungi
- pathogenicity
- pathogens
- payments for ecosystem services
- peach tree disease
- peasant identity.
- pectate lyase (PL)
- pectic fragments
- pectinmethylesterase (PME)
- pectinolytic enzymes
- pectins
- pectolytic bacteria
- pedology
- peel
- peer reviewing
- pellets
- Penicillia
- Penicillia
- Penicillium canescens
- Penicillium canescens
- Penicillium digitatum
- Penicillium oxalicum
- Penicillium canescens 10-10c
- Penicillium canescens 10-10c
- pepper
- Peptide
- Peptide
- peptides
- per-pixel classification
- percentage of variation
- perceptions
- perennial ryegrass
- performance
- performance
- Peri-urban agriculture
- Pericopsis
- Pericopsis
- perinatal period
- Perionyx excavatus
- Perionyx excavatus
- Periplaneta americana
- perishable products
- permanent meadows
- permanent pastures
- peroxidase
- peroxydation
- peroxydation
- Peru
- Peruvian traditional cheese
- pest control
- pest insects
- pest management
- pest resistance
- pesticide
- pesticide
- pesticide application
- pesticide crops
- pesticide resistance
- pesticides
- pesticides
- pesticides
- pests
- pH
- pH
- pharmacology
- pharmacopea
- Phaseolus
- Phaseolus
- Phaseolus coccineus
- Phaseolus coccineus
- Phaseolus lunatus
- Phaseolus lunatus
- Phaseolus lunatus L.
- Phaseolus polyanthus
- Phaseolus polyanthus
- Phaseolus polyanthus Greenm.
- Phaseolus vulgaris
- Phaseolus vulgaris
- Phaseolus vulgaris L.
- phenolic acids
- phenolic compounds
- phenolic content
- phenology
- pheromone control
- pheromone traps
- pheromones
- Philippines
- Philosamia ricini
- Phœnix dactylifera
- Phoma
- Phoma
- phorbol esters
- phosphatase
- phosphatase
- phosphate fertilizers
- phosphate rock
- phospholipid
- phosphorus
- phosphorus addition
- photogrammetry
- photography
- photosynthesis
- phylogeny
- physical characteristics
- physical dormancy
- physical environment
- physical fractionation
- physical properties
- physico-chemical characteristics of soil
- physico-chemical properties of soil
- physico-chemical sensors
- physicochemical properties
- physiological age
- physiological substrate
- phytoalexins
- phytochemical screening
- phytoecology
- phytogenetic resources
- phytogeochemistry
- phytoplankton
- phytoremediation
- phytorepellents
- phytosanitary measures
- Phytoseiulus persimilis
- phytosterols
- Phytotherapy
- phytotherapy
- phytotoxicity
- Picea abies
- Pichia anomala strain K
- picking time
- pig
- pig manure
- pigeonpea
- piggeries
- pigments
- pigs
- pilot farms
- pineapple
- pinène
- pinene
- pipériténone
- piperitenone
- piperitenone oxide
- piperitone oxide
- Pistacia atlantica
- Pistacia atlantica
- placement
- plankton blooms
- planning
- plant biotechnology
- plant breeding
- plant certification
- plant collection
- plant collections
- plant communities
- plant cover
- plant defense reactions
- plant density
- plant disease control
- plant ecology
- plant embryogenesis
- plant embryos
- plant extract
- plant extracts
- plant genetic resources
- plant genetic transformation
- plant genetics
- plant growth stimulants
- plant introduction
- plant litter
- plant morphology
- plant nematodes
- plant nurseries
- Plant nutrition
- plant oil
- plant oils
- plant parts
- plant pathology.
- plant physiology
- plant population
- plant production
- plant protection
- plant protein
- plant-bacteria interaction
- plant-insect interactions
- plant-interaction
- plant-microbe interaction
- plant-water relations
- plantains
- planted fallows
- planting
- plants
- plasmids.
- plastic industry
- plasticizing effect
- plastochrone
- Plectranthus aromaticus
- Plectranthus aromaticus
- Pleurotus ostreatus
- Pleurotus pulmonarius
- PLF can also lead to negative impacts on farmers and animals. It is therefore critical to consider the different dimensions of farmers’ work to facilitate their adoption of these new technologies.
- ploidy level
- ploughing
- plus trees
- pluviometry
- Poa pratensis
- Poa pratensis
- Poaceae
- polar lipids
- policies
- policy
- policy factors.
- pollen
- pollen
- pollen germination
- pollen tube growth
- pollination
- polluted soil
- pollution
- pollution
- pollution control
- Poly-unsaturated fatty acids
- polyacrylamide gels
- polyamines
- polygalacturonase (PG)
- polylactic acid
- polymerase chain reaction
- polymorphisms
- polyphasic description & 18S rRNA gene
- polyphenols
- polyploidy
- polyploidy.
- polytomous
- pome fruit trees
- ponds
- poorly gauged basin
- population census
- population dynamic
- population dynamics
- population genetic
- population persistence
- population pressure
- population structure
- Populus
- pork
- porous media
- portable equipment
- Portugal
- post-conflict
- post-harvest
- post-harvesting preservation
- PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL
- postharvest decay
- postharvest diseases
- postharvest losses
- potassium bicarbonate
- potato
- potatoes
- potentialities
- Poterioochromonas malhamensis
- Poterioochromonas malhamensis
- poultry
- poverty
- PP2A
- PP2A
- PR proteins
- practices
- pre-treatment
- prebiotic
- prebiotics
- precipitation
- precision agriculture
- predation
- predators
- predatory insects
- prédiction
- prediction
- predictive models
- préformation
- preformation
- pregermination
- preparation
- prepared foods
- preservation
- press
- pressing
- pressure
- pressure extraction
- prévalence
- prevalence
- prevalence reduction
- prévention
- prevention
- previous crop effect
- prey patch quality
- price support
- prices
- primary metabolites
- primary productivity
- primary structure
- primate
- primate
- primates
- primers
- priming
- principal component analysis
- prion
- private ownership
- privatization
- probability
- probes
- probiotics
- process
- process description
- Processed animal protein (PAP)
- processed animal proteins
- Processed animal proteins (PAP)
- processing
- producer
- producer cooperatives
- product quality
- production
- production
- production capacity
- production de biomasse
- production possibilities
- production resources
- production-to-consumption system
- productivity
- profitability
- progress
- project flows
- project management
- prolepsis
- prolifération
- proliferation
- proline
- proline
- propagation models
- Prosky
- Prosky
- prospecting
- prospection
- proteases inhibitors
- protected area
- protected cultivation
- protective cultures
- protein
- protein content
- protein extraction
- protein folding
- protein interaction
- protein prenylation
- protein sources
- protein-prenyltransferases
- proteins
- proteose-peptones
- protista
- proton consumption capacity
- Protoplast
- protoplasts
- provenance
- pruning
- Prunus
- Prunus avium
- Prunus persica
- Pseudomonas
- Pseudomonas
- Pseudomonas fluorescens
- Pseudomonas fluorescens
- public health
- pulp
- pulp and paper industry
- pulses
- Punicaceae
- purghera
- purification
- pyrazines
- pyrolysis
- Pyrus
- Pythium
- Pythium
- qualitative detection
- quality
- quality assurance
- quality control
- quality controls
- quality labels
- quality of agricultural products
- quality plants
- quantification
- quantitative analysis
- quantitative assessment
- quantitative detection
- quantitative genetics
- Quercus
- Quercus robur
- Quercus rubra
- rabbit manure
- ragweed
- rain
- rain barrel
- rainfall-runoff model
- rainwater
- random forest
- rangelands
- ranking method
- rations
- rats
- rats
- rattan
- Rattus
- raw materials
- raw milk
- raw milk cheese
- raw sludge
- reaction norm
- reactive oxygen species
- reactive oxygen species (ROS)
- real-time PCR
- rearing
- rearing system
- recalcitrant
- receptor
- reclamation
- recommendations
- recursive Tobit
- recycling
- reduction
- réflectance
- reflectance
- reforestation
- régénération
- regeneration
- regeneration in vitro
- region
- regional development
- regional reference systems
- régression
- regression
- régulation
- regulation
- Regulation (EC) No 396/2005
- regulations
- regulatory subunits
- relational database
- relative humidity
- remediation
- remote sensing
- remote sensing/GIS
- remote sensors
- removal
- rendering
- renewable energy
- renewable raw materials
- renewable resources
- reports
- reproduction
- reproductive success
- research
- research networks
- Research networks
- research projects
- reservoir storage
- resilience
- resistance gene durability
- resistance to herbicides
- resistance to injurious factors
- resource conservation
- resource management
- resource management.
- resources
- resources management
- response
- response curves
- response function
- response ratio
- response surface methodology
- restoration
- restoration ecology
- restoration techniques
- Reticulitermes
- revegetation
- review article
- rheological properties
- rheology
- rhizobacteria
- Rhizobium
- Rhizobium
- Rhizoctonia solani
- Rhizoctonia solani
- rhizogenous substances
- rhizosphère
- rhizosphere
- Rhynchosia
- Rhynchosia
- ribosomal DNA (rDNA)
- ribosome-inactivating proteins
- ribosomes
- rice
- Ricinus communis
- Ricinus communis
- ripening
- Ripley’s function
- risk
- risk assessment
- risk based land management
- risk factors
- risk indicator
- risk management
- roadside trees
- roasting
- Robinia
- robots
- robustness
- rodent control
- Rodentia
- rodents
- role of science
- root
- root bark
- root exudates
- root exudation
- root hairs
- root length
- root length density
- root rots
- root system
- root systems
- rooting
- roots
- rootstocks
- rotation
- rotation
- rotation al cropping
- rotational grazing
- rots
- Rotylenchulus reniformis
- Rotylenchulus reniformis
- row pattern
- rubber
- rumen
- rumen
- rumen digestion
- Rumex obtusifolius
- Rumex obtusifolius
- ruminant feeding
- ruminant proteins
- ruminants
- ruminants
- Runge-Kutta
- rural areas
- rural communities
- rural development
- rural economy
- rural livelihoods
- rural nutrition
- rural population
- rural sociology
- rural urban relations
- Rusizi
- Rwanda
- Rwanda
- Rwanda.
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Saccharomyces uvarum
- Saccharomyces uvarum
- Saccharomycetales
- Saccharomycetales
- safety
- Sahel
- Sahel
- salicylic acid
- salicylic acids
- salinity
- saliva
- salivary gland
- Salix
- Salmonella
- Salmonella
- Salmonella spp.
- Salmonella spp.
- salt
- salt stress
- salt tolerance
- Salvia officinalis
- Salvia officinalis
- samples databases
- sampling
- Sanandaj
- Sanandaj
- sandy soils
- sap
- saplings
- saponins
- satellites
- savannah’s wildlife management
- savannas
- scab resistance
- scale-down
- scale-down
- scale-down reactors
- scarification
- scarification
- scatter-hoarding
- Scenedesmus
- Schistocerca gregaria
- Schistocerca gregaria
- scholarly publication
- scholarly publishing
- scientific journal
- scientific research
- sclerotia
- Scorpiurus muricatus ssp. subvillosus
- scrapie
- screening
- Scrobipalpula absoluta
- Scrobipalpula absoluta
- seasonability
- seaweed culture
- sécoisolaricirésinol
- secoisolariciresinol
- secondary metabolites
- secondary structure
- sectoral analysis
- Securidaca longepedunculataFresen
- sédiment
- sediment
- sedimentation
- seed
- seed coton
- seed culinary quality
- seed dispersal
- seed germination
- seed mass
- seed multiplication
- seed nutritional quality
- seed potato
- seed production
- seed quality
- seed storage life
- seed uses
- seed viability
- seedling production
- seedlings
- seeds
- seeds orchard
- segetal plants
- ségrégation
- segregation
- Séguéla
- sélection
- selection
- selection bias
- selection criteria
- selenium
- Selvendran
- Selvendran
- semi-arid
- semi-guided prospective analysis
- semi-mechanistic models
- semiarid zones
- semiochemicals
- Senecio inaequidens
- Senecio inaequidens DC.
- Senecio inaequidens DC.
- Senecio madagascariensis Poir.
- Senecio madagascariensis Poir.
- Sénégal
- Senegal
- Senegal River
- Senegal.
- sénescence
- senescence
- sensitivity
- sensitivity analysis
- sensivity analysis
- sensivity index
- sensor
- sensors
- sensory analysis
- sensory assay
- sensory assessment
- sensory attributes
- sensory evaluation
- sensory statistics
- separating
- sésame
- sesame
- Seslerion variae
- sewage sludge
- sex pheromone
- sexual function
- shea butter tree
- shea-tree
- Sheabutter
- sheep
- Shiga-like toxin
- shoots
- short chain aldehydes
- shrub species
- Sicilo-Sarda
- silage
- silk
- silk industry
- silkworms
- Silphidae
- Silphidae
- silver
- silver staining
- silviculture
- simulation
- simulation models
- single cell protein
- single Strand Conformation Polymorphism – SSCP
- site classification
- site factors
- site quality
- site selection
- skin
- slow growth
- slurry
- small-scale farming
- smallholders
- smoked meat
- SO2
- SO2
- soaking
- social representation
- social structure
- socio-economic factors
- socio-economics
- socioeconomic development
- socioeconomic organization
- sociolinguistic groups
- Sodium chloride
- sodium chloride
- software
- Soil
- soil
- soil acidity
- soil air relations
- soil amendments
- soil analysis
- soil biology
- soil chemicophysical properties
- soil classification
- soil CO2 efflux
- soil crusts
- soil database
- soil degradation
- soil ecology
- soil fauna
- soil fertility
- soil health
- soil heterotrophic respiration
- soil hydraulic properties
- soil inoculation
- soil link rate
- soil map
- soil Map of Belgium
- soil monolith
- soil morphology
- Soil organic carbon
- soil organic carbon
- soil organic matter
- soil organic matter dynamics
- soil organisms
- soil parent materials
- soil pollution
- soil profile
- soil profiles
- soil quality
- soil respiration
- soil sampling
- soil sciences
- soil screening values
- soil seed bank
- soil seed banks
- soil sensitivity
- soil structure
- soil surface properties
- soil surveys
- soil texture
- soil use
- soil water
- soil water content
- soil water deficit
- soil water movement
- soil water potential
- soilborne fungi
- soilless culture
- soils
- sol tropical
- Solanum elaeagnifolium
- Solanum elaeagnifolium
- Solanum nigrum
- Solanum tuberosum
- Solanum tuberosum
- Solanum tuberosum L
- Solanum tuberosum L
- Solanum tuberosum L.
- Solanum tuberosum L.
- solar energy
- solid phase synthesis
- solid state fermentation
- solid surface
- solid-liquid ratio
- solid-state fermentation
- solubility index
- soluble sugars
- somaclonal variation
- somatic embryogenesis
- somatic embryos
- sorbitol
- sorbitol
- sorghum
- Sorghum bicolor
- Sorghum bicolor
- sorghum grain
- sorghum straw
- sorghum yield
- sorption
- sorting
- sorting out
- soudanian zone
- source sink relations
- South Central Africa
- South-Kivu
- Southeast Asia
- Southern Belgium
- sowing date
- Sowing density
- sowing rates
- soya oil cake
- Spain
- spatial distribution
- spatial genetic structure
- spatial variability
- spatially explicit landscape units
- spéciation
- speciation
- speciation analysis
- species abundance
- species diversity
- species identification
- species richness
- specific root length
- Specified Risk Material
- spectrometry
- spectroscopy
- speed of filling
- spelt
- sperm competition
- sperm precedence
- sphingolipids
- spices
- Spilanthes costata
- spinetoram
- spinosad
- splitting
- Spodoptera frugiperda
- spores
- spray drift
- spray retention
- spray-dried blood products
- sprayer
- sprayers
- spraying
- stability
- stable 15N isotope
- stable isotopes
- stacked wood volume
- stakeholders
- stakes
- standard error
- standardizing
- Staphylinidae
- starch
- starch gel electrophoresis
- starter
- starter
- starter cultures
- Starter cultures
- statistical empirical model
- statistical method
- statistics
- steam explosion
- steam explosion
- steppes
- stepwise linear discriminant analysis
- stereoscopy
- stimuli
- stoichiometric model
- storage
- storage systems
- stored products
- Strawberry
- strawberry fruit
- strength
- stress
- stress
- stress memory
- structural elements
- structure
- structure
- structure
- structure-function relationships
- student
- Stylosanthes hamata
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Sub-Saharan Africa.
- sub-urban agriculture
- subhumid zone
- Subsaharan Africa.
- subsidies
- subsidy
- subsistence
- subsistence farming
- subsoil
- substitute host
- substrate
- subsurface flow
- Suburban agriculture
- Suburban agriculture
- suburban agriculture
- suburban areas
- sucking insects
- suckler cows
- Sudanian regions
- Sudano Sahelian region
- sugar
- Sugar beet
- sugar confectionery
- sugar esters
- sugarbeet
- sulfate-reducing
- sulfate-reducing bacteria
- sulfation
- sunflower seed
- supercritical CO2
- supplementary feeding
- supply
- supply chain
- supply management
- support
- supported lipid bilayers
- surface active agent
- surface active agents
- surface runoff
- surface tension
- surfaces
- surveillance systems
- surveying
- surveys
- sustainability
- sustainable agriculture
- sustainable development
- sustainable development
- sustainable development project
- sustainable economic development
- sustainable forest management
- sustainable management
- sustainable natural resources management
- Sustainable Nitrogen Management Programme
- swelling power
- swine
- Swiss forests
- switchgrass
- Switzerland
- Switzerland.
- SYBR® Green
- syllepsis
- sylvopastoral system
- Syrph-the-Net
- Syrphidae
- Syrphidae
- system experiment
- systemic acquired resistance (SAR)
- systems
- systems analysis
- Tamarindus indica
- Tamarindus indica
- taxonomy
- taxonomy of tree species
- technical properties
- technique of zaï
- techniques of analysis
- technofunctional properties
- technological parameters
- technology
- technology needs
- technology transfer
- Tectona grandis
- Tectona grandis
- tegumentary inhibition
- temperate climate
- temperate forests
- température
- temperature
- temporal indicator
- Temporary Immersion System
- Téné Protected forest
- tensiometry
- Tephritidae
- Tephrosia vogelii
- terminology
- terpenoid
- territorial scale of expertise
- territory
- tertiary structure
- testa
- testa
- testosterone propionate
- Tetraclinis articulata
- Tetraclinis articulata
- Tetraclinis woodland
- Tetranychus urticae
- texture
- texture profile
- Thailand
- the Gambia
- The Netherlands
- Theobroma cacao
- Theobroma cocoa.
- thermal energy
- thermal treatment
- thermophyllic microorganisms
- thermostable
- Thermus
- Thiessen polygon
- thigh
- thinning
- thiols
- thiophanate-méthyl
- thiophanate-methyl
- thorn apple
- threatened species
- threshold level
- Thymus algeriensis
- Thymus algeriensis
- Thymus bleicherianus
- Thymus bleicherianus
- Thymus capitatus
- Thymus capitatus
- Thymus ciliatus
- Thymus ciliatus
- Thymus vulgaris
- Thymus vulgaris
- thyroid hormones (metabolism of)
- Tibet
- Tibet
- tillage
- tilted peptide
- timber tree
- timber trees
- timber yards
- time
- tissue culture
- Tithonia diversifolia
- tocopherols
- Togo
- tolérance
- tolerance
- tolerance index
- tolerance to the water stress
- tomato
- tomato leafminer
- Tomato under greenhouse
- tomatoes
- tool development
- topography
- topping
- total nitrogen
- total phenols
- toxic substances
- toxicity
- trace element
- traceability
- traceability system
- traces elements
- Tracking
- trade-offs
- traditional healers
- traditional medicines
- traditional technology
- traditionnel uses
- training
- transestérification
- transesterification
- transformation
- transformation
- transgene
- transgenic plants
- transglucosylation
- transglucosylation
- transition
- transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
- transparency
- transpiration
- transpiration.
- transport
- trap crops
- trapping
- traps
- tree crops
- tree growth
- tree species
- tree volumes tables
- trees
- tréhalose
- trehalose
- Triacylglycérol acyl-hydrolases
- Triacylglycerol acyl-hydrolases
- Trichoderma viride
- trickle irrigation
- trifloxystrobin
- Trifolium pratense L.
- Trifolium repens
- Trifolium repens
- triple superphosphate
- triterpenoid compounds
- Triticale
- Triticale
- triticales (products)
- Triticosecale
- Triticosecale
- Triticum
- Triticum
- Triticum aestivum
- Triticum aestivum
- Triticum aestivum L.
- Triticum durum
- Triticum durum
- Triticum spelta
- Triticum spelta
- tritrophic relations
- trophic interactions
- trophic levels
- tropical acidic soils
- tropical Africa
- tropical agriculture.
- tropical area
- tropical forest
- tropical forests
- tropical rain forests
- tropical soil
- Trypanosoma congolense
- Trypanosoma congolense
- trypanosomosis control
- trypsin inhibitors
- tuberculosis
- tubers
- Tunisia
- turkeys
- typical food product
- typology
- Uapaca bojeri
- Uapaca bojeri
- Uganda
- ulluco
- ulluco
- ultrasound
- undergrowth
- underlying factors
- unground sample analysis
- ungulates
- uniformity
- United Kingdom
- Unused Bed Zone
- updating
- Uppsala
- Uppsala
- urban
- urban areas
- urban composts
- urban dairy production
- urban development
- Urban greening
- urban pressure
- urban pressure
- urbanization
- urbanization
- urea
- urease
- urinary orifice
- urine
- urine
- use efficiency
- useful arthropods
- uses
- uteri
- vaccination
- vaccination
- vaccines
- Valeriana officinalis
- Van Soest
- Van Soest
- Vanilla planifolia
- vanillin
- vapocracking
- variable selection
- variance
- variance components
- varietal screening
- varieties
- variety screening
- variety trials
- vectors
- vegetable
- vegetable crops
- vegetable growing
- vegetal morphology
- végétation
- vegetation
- vegetative bud
- venom
- Venturia inaequalis
- Venturia inaequalis
- vermicomposting
- vermiculture
- vertisols
- vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae
- veterinary medicine
- viability
- Vibrio
- Vicia faba
- Vietnam
- Vigna
- Vigna
- Vigna subterranea
- Vigna unguiculata
- Vigna unguiculata
- vinclozolin
- vine
- Vipalogo
- viral infection
- viral latency
- virgin olive oil
- viroids
- virus
- virus
- viruses
- vitamin A deficiency
- vitamin content
- Vitellaria paradoxa
- Vitellaria paradoxa
- viticulture
- Vitis vinifera
- Vitis vinifera
- vitropropagation
- vitropropagation
- vitrotubers
- Vittelaria paradoxa
- volatile compounds
- volatile fatty acids
- volatile kairomone
- volume equations
- volume tables
- vulnerable species
- wall shear stress
- Wallonia
- Wallonia (Belgium)
- Walloon Region
- Walloon region (Belgium)
- warm climate
- waste management
- Waste utilization
- waste utilization
- waste water treatment
- wastes
- wastewater
- wastewater reuse
- water
- water activity
- water conservation
- water deficit
- water erosion
- water harvesting
- water holding capacity
- Water hyacinth
- water pollution
- water protection
- water quality
- water recycling
- water resources
- water reuse
- water storage
- water supply
- water use
- water use efficiency
- water-holding capacity
- water-soil-plant relationships
- waterborne pathogens
- watershed
- watersheds
- Weaned pig
- weed competition
- weeding
- weeds
- weight gain
- weight growth
- West Africa
- West Africa.
- West and Central Africa
- Western and Central Africa
- western blot
- Western Europe
- wetlands
- Wheat
- wheat flour
- wheats
- wild diploid species
- wild forms
- wild game
- wild plants
- wild species
- wildlife
- wildlife conservation
- wildlife management
- Wildlife management
- willingness to contribute
- wind and temperature effects
- wind damage
- wines
- winter wheat
- wood
- wood energy
- wood-based heating plants
- wood-decay fungi
- woodlands
- woody plants
- work plan
- world
- world price
- World Reference Base for Soil Resources
- World Reference Base for Soil Resources
- x Triticosecale Wittm.
- Xerobromion
- xylanase
- xylanase
- xylane
- xylane
- xylanolytic enzymes
- Xylella fastidiosa
- Xylopia aethiopica
- yams
- Yarrowia lipolytica
- Yarrowia lipolytica
- yeasts
- yield
- yield factors
- yield forecasting
- yield improvement
- yields
- ylang-ylang
- ylang-ylang
- Zaï
- Zaï
- Zambezian region
- Zambia
- Zamiaceae
- Zamiaceae
- Zea
- Zea
- Zea mays
- Zea mays
- Zea mays L.
- zéolite
- zeolite
- zinc
- Zinziberaceae
- zipella (bare soils)
- Ziziphus
- β-glucan
- δ-9 désaturase
- δ-9 desaturase
- ‘Candidatus Liberibacter africanus’
- ‘Candidatus Liberibacter americanus’
- ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’