- Portada
- Volume 4 (2000)
- Numéro 4
Numéro 4
Pierre Dardenne
Editorial. Authentification des productions agricoles et agro-alimentaires : nouveau challenge analytiqueVincent Baeten & Ramón Aparicio
Edible oils and fats authentication by Fourier transform Raman spectrometryPeter Belton
Spectroscopic methods for authentication – an overviewGilbert Berben, Éric Janssen & Frédéric Debode
Détection, identification et quantification des transgènes dans les aliments par amplification géniqueOlivier Fumière, Georges Sinnaeve & Pierre Dardenne
L’authentification rapide des poulets de chair sous label : distinction entre poulets issus de souches à croissance lente ou rapide par la spectrométrie dans le proche infrarougeLeen Mortier, An Braekman, Dagmar Cartuyvels, Roland Van Renterghem & Jan De Block
Intrinsic indicators for monitoring heat damage of consumption milkFrançois Piraux & Pierre Dardenne
Microscopie-NIR appliquée aux aliments du bétailDaniel Portetelle, Valérie Haezebroeck, Frédéric Mortiaux & Robert Renaville
Traçabilité dans la filière animaleEric Laitat, Timo Karjalainen, Denis Loustau & Marcus Lindner
COST E21 WorshopContribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects28–30 September, 2000 Joensuu (Finland)Introduction: Towards an integrated scientific approach for carbon accounting in forestryPeter Weiss & Bernhard Schlamadinger
Research activities related to the role of forests and forestry in climate change mitigation in AustriaDominique Perrin, Michaël Temmerman & Eric Laitat
Calculation on the impacts of forestation, afforestation and reforestation on the C-sequestration potential in Belgian forests ecosystemsHarald Bugmann
The Swiss carbon balance: methods, state of reporting and research perspectivesRainer Baritz & Sigrid Strich
Forests and the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory of GermanyLars Vesterdal
Carbon sequestration in Danish forestsTimo Karjalainen & Raisa Mäkipää
Contribution of forests and forestry in Finland to mitigate greenhouse effectErkki Tomppo
National forest inventory of Finland and its role estimating the carbon balance of forestsGérôme Pignard, Jean-Luc Dupouey, Dominique Arrouays & Denis Loustau
Carbon stocks estimates for French forestsRonnie Milne, Maureen Murray & Ken Hargreaves
Carbon stocks and sinks in forestry for the United Kingdom greenhouse gas inventoryKalliopi Radoglou & Yannis Raftoyannis
Contribution of forests and forestry to the mitigation of greenhouse effects in GreeceZoltan Somogyi
Possibilities for carbon sequestration by the forestry sector in HungaryKenneth A. Byrne & Michael Perks
Possibilities for carbon sequestration in Irish forestsBjarni D. Sigurdsson & Arnor Snorrason
Carbon sequestration by afforestation and revegetation as a means of limiting net-CO2 emissions in IcelandGert-Jan Nabuurs, Frits Mohren & Han Dolman
Monitoring and reporting carbon stocks and fluxes in Dutch forestsO. Janne Kjønaas, Harald Aalde, Lars S. Dalen, Helene A. de Wit, Toril Eldhuset & Bernt-Håvard Øyen
Carbon stocks in Norwegian forested systems. Preliminary dataHelmut Löwe, Günther Seufert & Frank Raes
Comparison of methods used within Member States for estimating CO2 emissions and sinks according to UNFCCC and EU Monitoring Mechanism: forest and other wooded land