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- Volume 2 (1998)
- Numéro 1
- Conservation et utilisation des ressources phytogénétiques agricoles : point de vue de la Commission européenne
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Conservation et utilisation des ressources phytogénétiques agricoles : point de vue de la Commission européenne

Conservation and utilization of genetic resources in agriculture: The viewpoint of the European commission
This contribution explains the role of certain EC Regulations notably Regulation (EC) 1467/94 in helping attain the specific objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy, by supporting the conservation and sustainable utilization of genetic resources in agriculture. The mode of functioning of the Regulation 1467/94 is explained. Brief mention is made of allied “flanking measures” of the Reform of the CAP concerning support for threatened cultivars or animal breeds and the marketing of local agricultural products. Information is provided on projects currently underway that are supported by Regulation 1467/94.