Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement/Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment

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Thierry Vanderborght & Jean-Pierre Baudoin

La collection de base des espèces sauvages de Phaseolus et Vigna : historique, gestion et conservation

(Volume 2 (1998) — Numéro 1)
Open Access

Document(s) associé(s)



The base collection of wild species of Phaseolus and Vigna: History, Management and conservation

The National Botanic Garden of Belgium ensures the management of a base collection of botanical and wild forms in the tribe Phaseoleae and the sub-tribe Phaseolinae. The main objective is to conserve on a long term basis the largest possible genetic diversity through seed samples stored at - 20°C. The collection provided the basic material for the investigations conducted at the University Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Gembloux in fields as diverse as taxonomy, genome analysis, definition of genetic reservoirs, agronomic and chemical evaluations, interspecific hybridization and plant breeding. The results have allowed to better understand the organization of genetic diversity in the studied plant material and to highlight the wealthy genetic potential of the collection. The latter should be preserved and valorized for the genetic improvement of food legumes, in particular within the two genera Phaseolus and Vigna.

Keywords : Belgium, biodiversity, Gene bank, genetic resources, Phaseolus, Vigna

Pour citer cet article

Thierry Vanderborght & Jean-Pierre Baudoin, «La collection de base des espèces sauvages de Phaseolus et Vigna : historique, gestion et conservation», BASE [En ligne], Volume 2 (1998), Numéro 1, 27-35 URL :

A propos de : Thierry Vanderborght

Banque de graines. Jardin botanique national de Belgique, Domaine de Bouchout, Meise, Belgium

A propos de : Jean-Pierre Baudoin

Unité de Phytotechnie des régions intertropicales, Universitaire des Sciences agronomiques, Passage des Déportés, 2, Gembloux, Belgium