- Startpagina tijdschrift
- volume 13 (2009)
- numéro spécial
numéro spécial
Philippe Vermeulen, Jan Sten Jørgensen, Juan Antonio Fernández Pierna, Gilbert Berben & Vincent Baeten
ForewordStephen Lewis Woodgate, Suzanne van den Hoven, Judith Vaessen & Rob Margry
Control tools to detect processed animal proteins in feed and in animal by-products: specificity and challengesLujia Han, Xian Liu, Rongguang Zhu & Zengling Yang
Quantification of MBM adulteration in compound fertilizers and composts by NIRSLuciano Pinotti
Image analysis and microscopy: a useful combinationAnna Campagnoli, Claudia Paltanin, Giovanni Savoini, Antonella Baldi & Luciano Pinotti
Combining microscopic methods and computer image analysis for lacunae morpho-metric measurements in poultry and mammal by-products characterizationLorenzo Domenis, Stefania Squadrone, Daniela Marchis & Maria Cesarina Abete
Osteocyte lacunae features in different chicken bonesLeo W. D. van Raamsdonk, Jeroen Vancutsem & Jan Sten Jørgensen
A survey on the presence of undesirable botanical substances in feed in the European UnionFederica Cheli, Anna Campagnoli, Luciano Pinotti, Giovanni Savoini & Vittorio Dell’Orto
Electronic nose for determination of aflatoxins in maizeGeneviève Frick, Sébastien Dubois, Claude Chaubert & Silvia Ampuero
Identification by microscopy and MS-based electronic nose of a fraudulent addition to maize glutenLeo W.D. van Raamsdonk, Jan C.H. van Eijkeren, Gerwin A.L. Meijer, Monique Rennen, Marco J. Zeilmaker, L. (Ron) A.P. Hoogenboom & Marcel Mengelers
Compliance of feed limits, does not mean compliance of food limitsOlivier Fumière, Pascal Veys, Ana Boix, Christoph von Holst, Vincent Baeten & Gilbert Berben
Methods of detection, species identification and quantification of processed animal proteins in feedingstuffs