Les Cahiers de muséologie

2406-7202 2953-1233


Each proposed article is submitted to two members of the Editorial Board for a first reading. After acceptance, the text is submitted anonymously to two members of the Reading Committee to validate, accept with minor or major modifications or refuse publication. Other referees can also be called upon from time to time.

The texts of the Carnets de visite, Notes de lecture and Dans la marge sections are presented only to the Editorial Committee for approval before publication.

Texts can be written in French or English.



The articles shall be written by their authors according to the guidelines listed below.They should be accompanied by an abstract in French and English, 3 to 5 keywords in French and English, a short biographical note and an e-mail address (with the author's consent for publication).

The texts for the Carnets de visite, Notes de lecture and Dans la marge sections are written by their authors according to the standards listed below. They are accompanied by a short biographical note and an e-mail address (with the author's agreement for publication). 

The spelling corrections (French, English) are not assumed by the editors. 
The text must be sent to the following e-mail address carnetsdemuseologie@uliege.be. We ask you to indicate in the subject of your email the session in which you are submitting your text.

Document Format:
All submissions must be submitted as a Word file (.doc).
The author's name must be removed in the saving properties of the Word file (general Word options).
Do not use style sheets.
Do not worry about a layout: we will take care of it.

Articles: 20.000 to 40.000 characters (notes, bibliography and spaces included).
Texts for the sections Carnets de visite, Notes de lecture and Dans la marge : 12.000 to 24.000 characters (notes, bibliography and spaces included).
Abstract in French and English (for articles only): 700 characters.
Short biography: max. 700 characters.

Main text:
Font: Times New Roman 12 pt
Title: lower case, bold, 14 pt
Headings: lower case, bold, left without indentation, 12 pt
Numbering of headings:
1. First level of title
1.1. Second level of title
1.1.1. Third level of title

Times New Roman 10 pt
Should be numbered consecutively.

Amount: 5 illustrations max. for Articles; 10 illustrations max. for Carnets de visite and Dans la marge texts.
Tables: in the main text.
Illustrations: in the main text. If you require a particular composition, please indicate it.
Captions for tables and illustrations: Times New Roman 10 pt. Please indicate the precise source of the illustration. Example: "Figure 1 – Short description, date. Photo: First name Last name". or "Figure 1 – Short description, date. Photo: name of the institution". 
Location of tables and illustrations in the text: to indicate the precise location in the text of a table or illustration, indicate "table 1" or "figure 1" for example. 
References to figures and tables in the text: indicate "(fig. 1)" or "(table 1)" for example.
Format: TIFF or JPEG format preferred (300 dpi minimum). Please ensure that you have the rights to publish the images or drawings.

The images must be integrated into the text for submission and provided in a separate file, specifying each time the reference of the illustration in the following form: your name + figure number ("GOB fig.01" for example).

The respect of all rights related to the diffusion of images (property, copyright, right of diffusion) is the exclusive responsibility of the authors. 

The abbreviations used must be indicated in the bibliography. 

Placed at the end of the article.
References should not be numbered.
Use the abbreviation [&] to gather authors' names, [et al] for texts in English and [et alii] for texts in French.
Names are in small capitals.

DAVALLON Jean, 1999: L’exposition à l’oeuvre. Stratégie de communication et médiatisation symbolique, Paris, L’Harmattan. 

Article from a book
EZRATI Jean-Jacques, 1998: "L’éclairage muséographique entre conservation et présentation. Scénographie, muséographie et expographie", in DE BARY Marie-Odile & TOBELEM Jean-Michel (dir.), Manuel de muséographie. Petit guide à l’usage des responsables de musée, Biarritz, Atlantica éditions, p. 121-132. 

Article from a journal
CHAUMIER Serge & LEVILLAIN Agnès, 2006: "Qu’est-ce qu’un muséographe ?", La Lettre de l’OCIM, n°107, septembre-octobre, p.13-18.

Exhibition catalog
Exh. cat. 1999: Delacroix. La liberté guidant le peuple, Tokyo, National Museum, 26 février-28 mars.

Doctoral thesis and master thesis
ALBITAR Obay, 2019: Les Musées des Arts de l’Islam en Europe. Étude comparative entre le Pergamonmuseum, le Musée du Louvre et le British Museum, master's thesis in art history and archeology, Université de Liège. 

PAGEARD Camille, 2011: Utilisation et fonction de la reproduction photographique d’œuvres d’art dans les écrits sur l’art d’André Malraux. Formes et représentations de l’histoire de l’art, doctoral thesis in art history and criticism, Université Rennes 2 et Université Européenne de Bretagne.

LEFEBVRE Pascal (conservateur de la Maison de la Métallurgie et de l’Industrie de Liège), 12 mai 2015 : Entretien mené par DROUGUET Noémie, enregistrement audio (01:45:03), Liège.

LEFEBVRE Pascal (conservateur de la Maison de la Métallurgie et de l’Industrie de Liège), 12 mai 2015 : Entretien téléphonique mené par DROUGUET Noémie, enregistrement audio (01:45:03), Liège.

LEFEBVRE Pascal (conservateur de la Maison de la Métallurgie et de l’Industrie de Liège), 12 mai 2015 : Entretien mené par DROUGUET Noémie, non enregistré, Liège. 

Oral communication
SCHIELE Bernard, 2014: "Les tendances émergentes de la muséologie en Occident et en Chine", communication orale lors du 37ème Symposium International de l’ICOFOM, Paris. 

Journal article available online
CHAUMIER Serge & LEVILLAIN Agnès, 2006: "Qu’est-ce qu’un muséographe ?", La Lettre de l’OCIM, n° 107, septembre-octobre, p. 13-18. Availabe at:  https://journals.openedition.org/ (accessed: 13 January 2021).

Article from an online journal
GUED Johan-Frédérik, 2018: "300 œuvres réunies dans un musée-école à Redu avec Picasso, Rodin et Hergé", L’Écho [online], septembre. Available at: https://www.lecho.be (accessed: 2 April 2021).

Specific section of a website
AMBASSADE DE FRANCE AU JAPON, 2018: "Quelques dates clés des relations franco-japonaises", Ambassade de France, Ambassade de France au Japon [online]. Available at: https://jp.ambafrance.org/ (accessed: 4 August 2021). 

Entire website
MUDIA [online], available at: https://www.mudia.be/ (accessed: 20 April 2021).

References in the text itself:
Citation of a reference in the main text of the article and not in footnotes. Example: "(CHAUMIER & LEVILLAIN 2006, p. 54)". Names must be in small capitals.