Latest articles in Journal of Strategic Trade Control

Anna Puskás
Trade control and protection of cultural goods in the European Union: an evolving approach?
Online on 23 May 2024
View(s): 160 (13 ULiège)  -  Download(s): 21 (4 ULiège)
Lauren Sanders
Australia’s defense export control regime and critical technologies
Online on 21 February 2024
View(s): 318 (12 ULiège)  -  Download(s): 62 (6 ULiège)
Anar Shaikenova
Kazakhstan’s law “On control of specific goods”: balancing economic development goals and international non-proliferation obligations
Online on 23 June 2023
View(s): 782 (8 ULiège)  -  Download(s): 8 (0 ULiège)
Quentin Michel
EU strategic trade controls and sanctions: are we talking about the same thing?
Online on 26 May 2023
View(s): 289 (18 ULiège)  -  Download(s): 23 (0 ULiège)
Joop Voetelink
The Extraterritorial Reach of US Export Control Law
The Foreign Direct Product Rules
Online on 18 April 2023
View(s): 718 (5 ULiège)  -  Download(s): 0 (0 ULiège)