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p. 28-36
Globally flooding is one of the natural catastrophes that every year causes most victims and the greatest economical effects. In Sweden and other European countries death caused by flooding is relatively unusual, but the damages in tangible assets and the cost for the society are considerable. In case of flooding many authorities and organizations become involved and there is a problern to take in the whole situation and have a common picture when many incidents happen at the same time. There is also a lack of efficient tools showing critical buildings and constructions such as roads, railroads, water-purifying plant, etc, in combination with actual and forecasted water levels. In this paper we discuss anticipation of critical factors to be included in a model for visualization of situations caused by flooding.
Viveca Asproth and Anita Håkansson, « Simulation and Anticipation in Critical Situations Caused by Flooding », CASYS, 19 | 2006, 28-36.
Viveca Asproth and Anita Håkansson, « Simulation and Anticipation in Critical Situations Caused by Flooding », CASYS [Online], 19 | 2006, Online since 22 August 2024, connection on 27 December 2024. URL :
Associate professor, PhD, Mid Sweden University
Associate professor, PhD, Mid Sweden University